Hey friends, how are you today? How was your weekend? Over here, in my neck of the woods, the weather brought cold and flurries and the family brought busy.  We had to go to Ohio over the weekend and I know I’ve said before; I love a good road trip.  Whenever my husband notices I feel a bit down, he responds by saying, β€˜let go for a ride’.  Guaranteed, I feel better afterwards.  But this trip to Ohio involved moving our college graduate back home (fun times).  How does one accumulate so much stuff, in so little time? My husband says she is her mother’s child, but I’m not convinced. Thankfully her roommates did most of the packing; thank the Lord!   Wow!! I went on a tangent there… sorry about.  As I was about to say, before I got side track ….  

Do you know,  the first thing to go, when I am not walking with the Lord?  My relationship with people!  That’s usually the first thing to suffer.  I get impatient with people, I get frustrated with them, I don’t want them too close, I need them to β€˜do’ and then β€˜go’. I can always tell where I am spiritually, by my relationship with others.  I love my own company; I like activities I can do on my own.  I like to read, I like to run, I enjoy solitude… Speaking in a group of more than five is out of my comfort zone and crowds usually make me uncomfortable.  Yet, do you know, what calling the Lord has gifted me? Yes… you guessed it! He has called me to teach! God has a sense of humor! 

The Lord revealed something to me about Himself, a few years ago.  I know I should have known  this already.  But it came as a new thing! Ready for it? THE LORD LOVES PEOPLE! I know right? Shocking! He does not love just me! And He also said, β€˜if I love Him, I will love His people’.  Wow! What a revelation! Does God really expect me to love even those who are really, really, unlovable?  Do you know that those who have not surrendered their lives over to Jesus Christ as their Savior are His people too? Are you telling me, Lord, I can’t be β€˜done’ with people? 

You see, the thing is… I have this β€˜people expectation’ thing in my mind.  I expect these particular behaviors and attitudes and actions from them and sometimes they fall short! How dare they!  So back to the first paragraph… I prefer solidarity, because people disappoint.  They inflict pain.  Why should I choose people over a β€˜good book’? 

I know what you’re thinking now.  You’re thinking, β€œwho does she think, she is”?  Or maybe, you’re thinking, β€œshe thinks she’s better than others”.  And the sad thing is… you would be right!  When I get impatient, frustrated and annoyed at others, it stems from a warped relationship with the Lord.  I’ve laid down my armor, instead of suiting up.  I depended on people to control my actions toward them, instead of trusting the Lord.  

In my case, I need the balance; well actually it isn’t exactly balanced; more solitude and less people company, but that 60/40% is not so bad because I can assure you, the Lord has brought me a very long way to there and He is still working on me. The year 2020 has definitely benefited me in this regard because except family, company is few and far in between, which makes time with the Lord an absolute necessity and more time to practice kindness and gentleness and patience on them.  

Forgive me Lord, help me to demonstrate your love for me, by loving others. Do you get impatient, frustrated and annoyed at others? Why?

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36 responses to “I WILL LOVE YOU TODAY”

  1. I agree – a ride is a great way to relax and we often take rides through the beautiful country here in Michigan. With all the confusion and disagreements on wearing a mask or not wearing and all the other decisions this virus has given us – I find myself getting frustrated and even angry. Thank you for the reminder to just give it all to God. And realize it’s not “them” – it’s “me” that needs His help to keep my attitude right.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Recently, I’ve come to discover and understand the importance of deliberately building relationships. In my devotions over the past days, I’ve come to learn that love for God, inspires love for people. Love God, love God’s people. And like you said, a warped relationship with God affects every part of our life. It’s so true. I’m still struggling with the after effects of that.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for frankly sharing what it’s like to be you.
    When I get away from the Lord, I tend to turn against myselfβ€”not others. I pull back into my shell, but not in a good way. As an extrovert, I normally enjoy being around people; it charges my batteries, rather than drains them. But when my walk with God suffers, I tend to walk away from helping and encouraging others, which is what He gifted me to do.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh yes people frustrate me! I am not a trainer, no patience. But I do LOVE top help others! And ironically I can be very understanding with people in a tough place. Part of what I do is financial coaching. I love it and I think I do it well. But for those who are just obnoxious, yes those people, I guess God teaches me through them 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, I caught myself gasping and chuckling at how well you put my inner thoughts into words: “I get frustrated with them, I don’t want them too close, I need them to β€˜do’ and then β€˜go’”– indeed!
    I do find myself surprised often and often at where the Lord takes me and who I interact with when I’m at His beck and call instead of my own. When I forsake reading a good book, for example, and go with my husband (who is a real people-person, by the way) to accomplish tasks, we run into a lot of people and end up “wasting a lot of time” (in my mind) visiting, chatting, standing around, catching up, TALKING (and talking and talking). But he (and He) is teaching me valuable lessons about relationships: how to establish them, how to maintain them, how to embellish them. And then you get blessings! I’m always surprised by the blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Okay, I am definitely NOT better than you. However, I am a better philologist (avocationally, only πŸ™‚ ). I love your musings and find encouragement to live for God in them, even as I struggle with your punctuation and grammar! πŸ˜‰
    Not much of a struggle, actually. But that said, I don’t think you intended to express your love for “solidarity,” but “solitarity.” However, since that is not a word, you probably mean “solitude.” :-)))
    As for your tangent about how much someone can collect in a short time, when my bride and I moved into our current home 30 years ago, she described everything we had as our “snail shell.” It had fit in our efficiency apartment for about six months.
    Her most recent comment is that our “snail shell” has become a giant tortoise, big enough to take over the world!! Downsizing begins as soon as our Lexington weather warms back up to livable temps outside!
    love and prayers, c.a.

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    • Oh my πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ thank you for the corrections 😍 will definitely fix that. When we moved my husband thought it meant downsizing, but unfortunately we are back to where we stared πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it’s hard to let go. God bless you, my friend


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