Hello friends, how are you today? How was your weekend? Did you have to say β€˜no’ to any activity or event over the weekend? Well I did.Β  I said β€˜no’ to a Super Bowl Fellowship held at my church on Sunday evening.Β  I had to; IΒ had to wash my hair.Β  I know for most this may seem likeΒ a trivial matter, but to me, β€˜hair washing’ must be planned.Β  There are so many details that go into washing natural hair; I usually reserve at least three hours from start to finish.Β  Needless to say, I needed all the time possible to see this through without rushing the process.Β  Truthfully, I don’t like washing my hair, because of that very reason, it is too time consuming, butΒ I like football even less, so it was a no-brainer. I heard that gasp, it’s okay, we will live.Β  Β  My social media feed was inundated with everything Super Bowl, I don’t think I missed anything.

Guess what I did today? I went running.Β  I know… nothing spectacular about that. Right.Β  But I went running outside; in February; with hardly any snow on the ground and it was 52Β°! Now some of you may not understand the total excitement that comes with this statement; if you live in Florida like nikhop320Β or in Texas like pkadams, (Check out their blogs, you will not be disappointed, as a matter of fact, you will thank me later) you may think running outside in February is no big deal.Β  But those of us whoΒ live in the northeast, we appreciate the miracle in any temperature that’s above freezing. Yesterday, we had a high of 65Β° and it rained! In February, which is usually our coldest month. On Saturday our high temperature is going to be 24Β°, but I don’t even care, because before Saturday, comes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, which all bring above freezing temperatures. Yep! I’ll take it and I will take the clouds too.Β EAD575E2-2426-4AD4-A634-78DFC0B69235I was so excited about the weather, that I decided to celebrate by running outside this morning.Β  I waved and said hi to everyone I met, I mentally and sometimes physically competed with the young people running in the opposite direction.Β  Thankfully they were totally unaware of this.Β  I was so excited to be outside, that I was breaking my previous records because I was running faster than I usually do.Β  In my excitement though, I forgot about the hills along my path and toward the end I inevitably had to slow down.Β  In my haste, I failed to remember too, that the treadmill is cushioned, and the road is most definitely not.4DD30FA7-7430-4172-8198-D16303434ED9 Have you ever been this excited about something? Perhaps you prayed about something and the Lord answered in the affirmative.Β  Ahhh yes, I know that excitement, I am so thrilled with the response that I didn’t wait for the rest of the answer.Β  In the exhilaration of that yes answer, we totally outrun the Lord at times.Β  In our eagerness to β€˜get there’ we leave the Lord behind, we neglect the signs and ignore the roadblocks. Yes… our Great and Mighty God has given us consent, but sometimes, consent comes with a β€˜wait’.Β  Oh, how I hate to wait.Β  Patience is a virtue the Lord will forever cultivate in me.Β  rom 5 20I must remember that the God who created time can’t be constrained by it, neither does time limit Him in any way.Β  Β  He controls time and His timing is always perfect.Β  ALWAYS.Β  Sometimes, I remind Him of my presence because it’s been a few years now and I know He said yes.Β  Every circumstance point to it, but ever so gently; I love that about my God, although He can roar like the mighty rushing rivers (Ezekiel 43:2), He chooses to gently remind me that He has not forgotten His promise. phil1-6 He is true to His promise, every promise He makes, He will keep that promise.Β  His timing will perhaps never align with my time, but His time will always be the best for me. He is never late, even when Martha and Mary thought He was β€˜too’ late (Luke 10:38-42), He was right on time.Β  Maybe you are waiting forΒ the Lord’s deliverance, maybe you are waiting for Him to fulfill that promise, He made years ago; keep waiting my friend.Β  But while you wait, don’t forget to encourage and edify.Β  Gal 6 10While you wait, don’t forget to serve.Β  While you wait, don’t neglect that special time with our PROMISE-KEEPER.Β  While we wait, we will pray and β€˜work out our salvation’. While we wait, we will trust and believe in the God of the Universe, our Way-maker and Promise-Keeper.Β  While we wait….thanks buttonclosing1brenda


65 responses to “I WAS WAY TOO FAST…”

  1. I remember being excited a couple weekends ago because here in CT it was sunny and we were able to walk by the beach with just hoodies and gloves!! Also understand about the hair!! Back when my oldest was young, it took HOURS to do her hair. She has beautiful hair still but we comment how people don’t appreciate all some people have to do to maintain their hair being so beautiful! Her curls take some serious taming and structuring to not be out of control. I did enjoy the time with her though. My youngest doesn’t have the same type of hair (it’s long and straight) and so the time we get together doing hair is more limited.

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  2. Love this so much! I am so bad with “no” but getting better and only the Lord knows how many times I put on my go shoes to out run His yes. No’s and patience are His work in progress with me. I am so glad for these encouraging words this morning! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am currently in a waiting on the Lord season, and I’m not a waiting type of person. I love how you used the words “promise keeper” to describe our Lord. It helps me to remember during this hard waiting time. I have an adopted child who has wonderful 4c, natural hair and so I do know about that hair washing! But I love the long wash days, as it is bonding for us and shows her I love her. It’s been very positive for us! I am also a runner–we have so much in common! So glad I found you! Thanks for this, it was filled with wonderful reminders for me.

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    • πŸ˜‚ would you consider adding me to the washing hair list 😍😍 when my girls were younger, I enjoyed the time spent doing their hair, it really was the only time they stayed somewhat still 🀣🀣 seize every moment with them, time goes by so quickly. May the Lord bless you


  4. I don’t like Super Bowl or football either. I don’t mind washing my natural hair it’s all the stuff afterwards that drive me batty!
    I don’t run but I do enjoy walking and I’m trying to do powerwalks but it’s hard because I’m out of shape. I haven’t walked this week because the weather has been either rainy or cold and windy. Currently it’s 38Β° with a wind chill of 29Β°. Too cold for a walk for me. I actually attempted to walk on Monday but it was very cold and very windy. I wear long dresses so there were times I was afraid the Marilyn Monroe dress scene would be reenacted!
    My 30 minute walk quickly became a 10 minute hurry up and get home walk. I think the dogs that normally bark when I walk by were inside their houses pointing at laughing at me saying ” Look at that silly woman!”
    Anyway, I enjoyed reading your blog and the scriptures you provided.

    Liked by 2 people

    • 🀣🀣🀣 that Marilyn Monroe moment πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you had me cracking up πŸ˜‚ I don’t like walking in the cold either πŸ₯Ά warm weather and I are friends. That hair washing is ordeal, but they clean hair is a necessity, so I suppose we don’t have a choice πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ May the Lord truly, abundantly bless you


  5. I definitely feel that about running ahead! I’m doing that now and he’s making me slow down. We are having some warmer weather here this week as well and we enjoyed it until the rain comes today and the rest of the week and then we return to the cold.

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  6. β™‘ Only OurSelves can decide what ‘The Small Stuff’ is; it’s what We Decide is ‘THE BIG STUFF’ that is IMPORTANT TO US!!! and a Matter Of Perspective EveryOne


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  7. Oh girl, I would have done the same thing lolπŸ˜‚ i chuckled out loud at this. It takes me a minute to do my hair as well. Mine is curly but not pretty curls, but it’s gives me some body since I always straighten it.
    We watched Saved By Grace, if you haven’t seen it yet it was so good, check it out.
    I think I need to come visit you just so I can play in some snow lol πŸ˜‚
    Thank you for the shout out sweetie! You are so encouraging. Big hugsπŸ’—πŸ€—

    Liked by 1 person

    • πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ in the excitement, sometimes it can be hard to slow down, when this is exactly what needs to happen. Chaos reigns when we are hasty, something I need constantly need to remind myself. May the Lord bless you


  8. I wear my hair natural too so I know how you feel. It was 55 the other day here after below zero weather from that vortex problem, but we’re pushing on. Yes, God is always on time. We may not see it that way at times because we’re human. God is a spirit, perfect in every way. You know it takes time to learn lessons from the Bible. It’s like no other book in the world. May God bless you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You’re truly a dope individual!

    Such a creative you are my sister of the living God. Your blogging skills are awesome. How long have you been writing?

    I read the entire post and #TheWait is a DEEP deep process. To wait on His timing, whenever that may be, for any & everything we desire, is that narrow walk of this life many people will reject taking…

    May grace & peace from Father Abba be with you. πŸ™πŸ½

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Loving the weather in TX too! I’ve walked outside two days in a row! Although rain tomorrow but grateful for the two days! Love how the Lord speaks to me through the Christian music I listen to as I walk. Listened to β€œGrace Got You” By MercyMe on repeat. Loved it! My newest favorite song.

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  11. I am loving this weather as well… and also dreading the fact that I too must wash my natural hair! πŸ€“ However I am grateful that I have embraced it and am learning to say β€˜no’ to things that conflict with my schedule. If we don’t pour into ourselves and allow God to pour into us as well, we have little to give. Thank you for sharing. You are amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amen πŸ™πŸ½ but thankfully even easier is finding our way back to the Lord, when we read His Word and talk with Him. Let’s stay connected, it’s a necessity steps to being great parents and wives. May the Lord bless you


  12. Oh my goodness! The weather!! I am LOVING IT! πŸ™‚ While we aren’t quite as warm, and we DEFINITELY have snow (but then we always do!) I am NOT complaining about above 30 (yesterday) and 40 (today) degrees. I was actually able to chip the ice off our front steps today, lol. I will take this weather while it lasts and enjoy it. God Bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I totally understand your excitement over 54 degrees! We went up to 50 the other day, sunny and everything!! We’re back now to highs in the single digits and lows below zero. But that sunshine can sure make a difference.
    Thank you for spreading your Godly cheer to us. You are a blessing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • How I thank the Lord for sunny days, even though with it comes absolute freezing temperatures, during the winter. But lately our weather has been very temperamental and fickle. We’ve been like a yo-yo; up and down. But I really do like it, it tells me spring is around the corner… hopefully. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ May the Lord bless you, my friend

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Amen! That is a very good word of encouragement! By the way, we didn’t watch the Super Bowl either. I heard they called it the snooze bowl and it had the lowest ratings in a decade. We watched Finding Nemo with the kids instead and even a bit of Finding Dory. πŸ™‚ God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Natural hair is a beast! I ask myself everyday why in the world did I EVER decide to go that route…it’s definitely time consuming indeed…lol.
    You’re so right, I’ve been there too – God gives an answer I’ve been waiting on and I run like Jonah….only to realize I got instructions 1 and 2 and there were 15!!!!! LOL. They say God has a sense of humor and I’m sure he sometimes laugh at us all..
    Glad you were able to get a run in, Yes the weather has been unpredictable here in NC too. Enjoy those somewhat warm days =)

    Liked by 2 people

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