Hi friends, how are you today? I pray that you are having a good day today.ย  The past few weeks have been absolutely gorgeous. The temperatures have been in the 70ยฐs and the 80ยฐs, the sun has been out in all its glorious beauty; even the rain has sometimes been a welcome relief.ย  Although our household has been busy, it has been a pleasure seeing the Lord at work in our lives.ย  I have found that in the busyness of life, gratefulness can sometimes be tossed by the wayside.ย  How thankful I am that He has not given up on me; my heart is prone to wonder away from Him.ย  But He is such a loving, forgiving and faithfulย God that He always draws me back to Himself.ย  (Thank You, Father).Ps 150 9ย ย Itโ€™s easy for life to become routine in order to accomplish the various tasks in our lives.ย  Sometimes our quiet time can easily become route. We find ourselves (I know I do) giving the Lord thoughtless prayers and His Word goes in but does not take root.ย  But then the Lord sends beauty our way to remind us that He is God.ย  He reminds us to slow down and be careful.ย  Itโ€™s easy to forget that the cares of this world are not permanent because this is the life, we live. The Lord sends roadblocks our way.ย  He warns us to be aware of the subtle arrows of the enemy that tries to steal our hearts away from Him.ย  He tells us to be aware of the relationships that we may potentially ruin if we neglect our time with Him.ย  He emphasizes that we need to take our eyes off the tasks and care more for the people.ย  He tells us to take note of our actions; they are becoming reactions instead of intentional responses.ย  He admonishes us against being so busy that we give Him the leftovers of our time; that we regulate Him to the background.ย ย Psalm 144 15ย He sends the silvery light of the moon and stars to tell us the cost of our salvation was too steep a price to live life irresponsibly.ย  He sends the gurgle sounds of a new born babe to remind us of His unlimited grace and mercy.ย  He cautions us against waiting too long to repent; we just may start a series of unfortunate events.ย  He sends the birth of a new day to bring to our recollections, the fact that He promised to never leave us nor forsake us; He can be trusted.ย  He sends a variety of birds in all shapes and sizes; their cacophony of soundsย reminds us that if He provides for them, He is surely able to give us abundantly anything we can ask or think.ย  He sends the whispers of the night to say, โ€˜be still and turn to Me, Iโ€™m still hereโ€.2 Tim 2 5So then I run to my God.ย  I ask Him to forgive me, I ask Him for a new beginning.ย  And I am reminded that He absolutely loves me.ย ย ย He gives me more grace and extends more mercy my way.ย  He forgives completely and brings healing to my soul.ย  He loves me and He most certainly loves you too, my friend.ย  Run to Him, find comfort and rest under the shadow of His Wings.ย  Oh how He loves you!2 Tim 4 7Have you been too busy for Him?ย  How will you respond to His love?closing1brenda

54 responses to “I’M TOO BUSY FOR YOU”

  1. Love is a big word and can be hard to implement. Not unlike Faith.
    Recently God has helped me to understand that as Faith is started and grown by planting a seed of hope.
    So to, Love is started and grown by planting a seed of giving.

    A key to Love is to serve. God & People!

    Bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Time spent with the Lord is never wasted! I’m so glad He’s never too busy for us and He cares for us, never leaves us nor forsakes us! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Blessings to you and your dear family!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amen. Praise the Lord! We have a wonderful God. Thank you for the mercy and grace we can live in comfort in your name. Repent every moment and ask his holy spirit to fill us in, have the joy in everyday, and live pure in our walk. Your heart is beautiful. Thank you for the reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a beautiful reminder to really be present and not so caught up in all the things we have to do. Iโ€™m at the dentist, checking emails, and making business calls instead of really enjoying my time with my husband on our anniversary. (The dentist was completely unplanned but here I am.) I definitely needed this read today. Thanks for allowing God to use you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I used to be too busy for God, until I became sick. Now it seems I have nothing but time for him…although sometimes I complain about it. But youโ€™re so right, he is always there with open arms waiting for him when we wander. Iโ€™m glad your days have been filled with his love. May he continue to bless you, sweets.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Visiting from Coffee for your Heart.
    This was exactly what I needed to read this morning. So much truth and so much encouragement! We forget how big our Heavenly Father’s love for us really is. We get too caught up in this life on earth, focused on the temporal when we need to focus on the eternal. Thank you for this great reminder! Sweet blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow, thank you! I’ve sure been guilty lately of much of this…we should never be too busy for God! And life certainly runs smoother when we’ve spent time with Him.
    “How thankful I am that He has not given up on me; my heart is prone to wonder away from Him.ย  But He is such a loving, forgiving and faithfulย God that He always draws me back to Himself.” Yes! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘amen. Hugs to you! Have an amazing day ๐Ÿ’—

    Liked by 1 person

  8. We serve a mighty God! Yes, I believe we all are guilty of being busy by association but when that happens to me, this feeling comes over me – it’s almost like I can feel God pulling at my hand and heart to spend time with him, I mean if I had a spouse – I would find a way to work it out if I felt like our marriage was being neglected by busyness – so why not do the same for my master and savior. Great Post and definitely great reminder!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A great word today, so thankful for a God who loves us, heals us, and calls us to repentance, and never leaves us in any of the process, not even our sin. He is such a good Father!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Love, love, love. Thank you for the reminder. Last evening, I too was just thinking about how wonderful the peepers sounded and how much our Lord loves us to give us this beautiful world; broken as it is, there is still beauty. Can you imagine our new heaven and new earth?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love the sound of the birds, they always remind of the Lordโ€™s blessings and allow me to bask in being alive. ๐Ÿ˜€ what a day that will be when we all get to Heaven. Yes, it will be great! Such a mild word for such a beautiful place ๐Ÿ˜†


    • I love visits from the linkups. Thank you so much for stopping by. It is easy to become busy with life and regulate the Lord to the background, much to our demise. It really does not profit us anything to go down that road. ๐Ÿ˜. May the Lord bless you


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