Hey friends, how are you today? It’s a beautiful day in my neck of the day.  Beautiful, bright, blue skies seem to be the order of the day.  Although the trees are still bare, the birds appear to enjoy their game of tag, while the squirrels watch from the treetops.  It’s truly a wonderful day with high temperature of almost 80°.  I can hardly believe it, myself! With temperatures like this in April, summer promises to be hot.  


Did you see the solar eclipse yesterday? We could have used the beautiful, bright, blue skies to better see the eclipse. But the Lord sent clouds that made it a treat every time the clouds parted, and the sun filtered through and the wonder that is the solar eclipse can be seen.   It was a wonderful phenomenon, and I was happy to be part of it.   

The gradual but swift change from daylight to darkness and then back to daylight was awesome.  The girls and I made an event of it.  We went to our local park and realized that most people in the community had the same idea.  Picnic chairs and blankets covered the ground while kids and pets and young people played games and made new friends. There were even some people who barbecued as they waited.  A great time was had, by all.  


Two things occurred to me while there at the park among my family and others.  The first was how much I appreciate what doesn’t come to me easily.  Forgive me, Lord, I really thought I liked easy.  Well, I like easy, but I do value the not so easy.  Isn’t that strange? Here I am, when hardships come my way, crying to the Lord to take it away, yet I am strengthened, I rejoice, and my heart is glad when I endure.  


In Matthew 6, in the model of Jesus’ prayer, He says to pray, “lead us not into temptation…”.  Usually when I pray, I say to the Lord, “to shuffle out the wrinkles in my day”.  Remove from me, Father, anything that can cause my heart to drift away from You. See the Lord will never tempt me to sin.   I’ve come to the realization that much of my time is lived on my own terms.  So, I asked the Lord to remove me from me and what is left is what He desires for me.  


Wisdom and discernment are needed throughout my day to judge what’s my flesh and what is from the Lord.  Too many times, my flesh seems ‘good to the eye’.   In James 1, we are told to ‘count it all joy when we fall into various trials”. Therefore, trails are inevitable and even with the trials, the Lord assures me, in I Corinthians 10, that my trial is common (even though it may feel like I’m the only one in the entire world going through this) and He will provide a way of escape, when my world feels like it is crumbling beneath my feet.   Yes, my heart sings and is glad when I’ve overcome whatever hardship comes my way.  What doesn’t come easy is good for me.   


We know that Job was blessed much more after he endured the suffering. Abraham too was called, ‘the father of faith’ after choosing to obey the Lord when asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac.  As I look back on those footprints in the sand, even on the days when my steps faltered by my own hand, it is impossible not to give God all the glory and all the praise for where we are today.  When we pray, “lead us not into temptation”, the Lord reveals the distinction between His will for me and my will for me.  Because He will not lead to me to sin against Him, when I sin, I have only myself to blame, as we see in James 1.  And even then, when I seek His forgiveness, He faithfully restores me, and His redemption brings me back into fellowship with Him.  He does that, all by Himself.  Great is our God.


The second thing that came to mind is the beauty of time.  As I sat there with the girls and so many people around me, life seemed pretty perfect. And I realize something else, it isn’t that life in itself is perfect (it isn’t) thankfulness and gratitude allowed me to see the perfection in the day.  Isn’t that amazing? How does that work? Well glad you ask…


Thankfulness and gratitude take the focus off whatever hardship I may endure and sees my blessings instead.  Being thankful allows me to appreciate what I already have and reminds me of the promises I can hold on to from the Lord.  Time moves at a slower pace when I make thankfulness and gratitude my way of life.  Every day becomes one of beauty when I stand in awe of the work the Lord has done and continues to do in me and in the lives of friends and family.  No, life isn’t perfect, but thankfulness allows me to rejoice in whatever the day brings, because my hope is in the Lord.  


The solar eclipse was a wonderful event, and I was glad to be part of it.  Perhaps because of the clouds, I was able to appreciate each glimpse of it, even more.  How thankful I am that the God of the Universe, the Creator of the sun, moon, and stars, knows my name.  It’s not hard to feel almost invisible in light of such beauty.  Great is our God and mighty in power (Psalm 147:5)

Did you see the solar eclipse? What did you think of it? How are you? To see more photos of the eclipse, Check me out on Instagram. Let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Follow my Instagram and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section. I would love to meet you 🙂


  1. Hi Brenda. Way back at the start of the year, I’d put the solar eclipse event into my diary, not realising we wouldn’t experience it here in the UK. Happy for you all to see it. I say one once about 15 years ago in Germany. Amazing experience.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Have you been reading my diary? – lol You are not the only one going through all this refining & honing business. Hugs.

    Our daughter said the same thing about the eclipse and the clouds giving us peeks now and again. We gathered in our front yard using our special glasses picked up from our local library. We mostly just used our regular sunglasses, as the thick cloud cover seem to act as a filter. But we did get to see the orange glow/appearance of the eclipse a hand full of times with our special glasses, when a small pocket of thinner clouds blew by allowing a better viewing of it.

    I just might make it for the next two total solar eclipses, though the one in 2044 is only suppose to be over N. Dakota and Montana that year. I have never been to either of those states, so maybe. According to internet info, we are suppose to have another one the very next year, being able to be viewed by the lower 48 states (sorry Alaska & Hawaii). They both are said to come in my birthday month, so just maybe some special birthday plans will/can be made. I will be 75 & 76 respectively, so there is a chance I can make them, our Lord willing. Just maybe I will see it with some grandkids. Here’s to hoping and praying.

    My other nature viewing guilty pleasure is watching the lava flowing goodness in Iceland. Well goodness on the most part. Last year they lost three houses and a whole town has had to be evacuated since the last eruption this past October. I wouldn’t mind checking out their Blue Lagoon spa experience if it ever gets reopened (currently closed due to the nearby eruption) and I can get my butt over there. Its suppose to be a pretty expensive endeavor, so when I win the lottery of which I don’t play, I’ll book a “right jolly holiday” as our British brothers & sister might say.

    Anyway, I got to get my butt to doing some other things on my to do list. Happy Tuesday to ya. Keep the faith and keep on keeping on. Miracles & Mercies are new every morning. More Hugs and some Prayers from Texas. Susan.

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    • Take me with you, when you go to Iceland. It’s on my bucket list. 🥰🥰 this event was the highlight of my day, especially because we were able to do it as a family. Hopefully I can have some grandkids for the next 😂😂🙏🏽 may the Lord give me this desire😂. We have a lot in common. God bless you, my friend

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The best photo I saw of the photo eclipse was of my grandson standing in his doctor’s office with his eclipse glasses on and looking out the window and up to the sky. He had to miss the event he and his dad had planned on for two years, but he found a way to see it anyway.

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  4. Love your sky pictures. You got a great one of the eclipse.

    It was a bust in SD. I took pictures of the sky, but there were so many clouds, and so thick, that I couldn’t tell where the sun was. It got a bit darker when we reached our 60%-ish.

    Gratitude: you and I had similar thoughts about that in our blogs today.

    “thankfulness allows me to rejoice in whatever the day brings, because my hope is in the Lord. ” – Love that.

    I rejoice with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Amen! Brenda, you have such a God-given gift with words! They ooze with love, promise, and truth! The eclipse was so beautiful to witness. Time is indeed short and the trials have made me count them all as “loss” as my strength and the faith in the Lord have grown through them. “Lord, iron out the wrinkles in me!” I’m filled with gratitude like you, sister, for HE never leaves or forsakes us. I’ll walk in gratitude and be thankful for this day he made. Yesterday was so fun! We drove south into AR to view the eclipse. I’m still moved by it–HIS glory and the fun with all the other people–and the miracles he’s worked in my own life. I’ll never stop giving him the glory! God bless you, Brenda! I’m so happy for the spring weather you’re having. You are beautiful–in and out!

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