Hey friends, how are you today? How was your week? The past few days have been pretty busy, I must admit, my home has been like a revolving door.  I’ve been in and out, more out than in; and it continues throughout the weekend.  Although I’m not necessarily a homebody at heart, I do like my home life.  But in spite of the busyness of the week, it has been an enjoyable one, especially the sightings of the solar eclipse and time spent with friends and family.  And that should continue over the weekend too (well not the solar eclipse).  We have a Women’s Retreat that begins today and ends tomorrow, and the topic is on ‘Becoming a Titus 2 Woman’.  Sounds promising… 


One of the activities that contributed to the busyness of the week is my exercise life.  I was able to be outdoors for most of my run this week.  It felt good to hear my feet as we pounded the pavement.  I felt compelled to interrupt my run though, whenever I noticed a ‘new’ bird in the vicinity. I am fascinated by birds; they are such interesting creatures. Most are beautiful and they look so fragile, yet there is such strength in their little bodies.   I can’t help but think of Matthew 6:26 when I see them.  


Sometimes, when I listen to documentaries on animal life, I can’t help but think the producers of these shows, don’t like people much.  People are always blamed for whatever plights may be facing the animal kingdom. And that may be true, but I’m glad they do not get to the decide the fate of man.  I think just a few people would make the grade. 


I am thankful that the God who created the birds in their variety, who provides their food and told them how to build their shelter, knows my name.  I am thankful that my future is not in the hand of man, but rather the God of Universe knows my end from my beginning.  I am thankful that I can depend on my Heavenly Father to provide my every need, even those needs, I didn’t know I had.  I am loved and cared for far more than the birds of the air and fish of the sea, because the Bible tells me so.  


Although the animals and plants in their kingdom are important, people are far more important to the Lord, because a Heaven was created just for us.  Our Lord Jesus provided a way for us to spend eternity with Him.  He came for man, He died for man, He rose again for man, He is building a place for man, and He will come again for man.  

We should love and appreciate the animals and plants, but we should always value the lives of people far more. Aren’t we thankful our Lord did? 

How are you? How was your week?

Check me out on Instagram. Let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Follow my Instagram and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section. I would love to meet you 🙂


  1. Add me to the bird-lover list! To be honest, that love didn’t enter my life until college when I took ornithology to fulfill part of my science requirement. The professor was so enthusiastic, we all caught his passion, and it’s been in my heart ever since. About twelve species visit our backyard trees, some more often than others, of course. This time of year we sometimes catch a glimpse of migrating species. A couple of years ago a little flock of indigo buntings stopped to feed. Their bright blue plumage took my breath away!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love your photos, Brenda, especially the birds. Our birds are slowly coming back to our feeders. We have several cardinals that visit regularly. I am looking forward to having the hummingbirds return but that doesn’t happen until close to the end of May.

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    • There is one particular bird that comes ‘on’ at 2:30am 😢😢I think our daughters are considering its demise 😂😂. Sorry it took me a minute to respond, I was under the weather. It’s good to b back. Great and merciful is our God


  3. I love birds, too! So much so that my now-grown kids would always come get me if they spotted a bird they’d not seen before outside our house. 🙂 Birds make me think of the very Scripture you mentioned, too. Our God is so good!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I had to chuckle when I read your comment about watching documentaries about animals. When I was young, I would roll my eyes whenever my parents wanted to watch animal documentaries. They just loved them. And now I do! I watch, now, through born-again eyes, and appreciate the creativity of our loving Master Creator.

    Is that a cardinal in one of your photos? Do you get to see many cardinals? I love cardinals, and we get to see one very occasionally here.

    I’ve been fighting illness for a couple of weeks. Your comment, “I am loved and cared for” wrapped me in a warm blanket. God has made His Presence felt.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Great is our God. I am just getting over an illness also and I thank the Lord that I can see the light. I do detest being sick 🤧. Sorry I’m just now getting to the comments. It’s good to be back 🙌🏽🙌🏽 it was a cardinal, they are quite common here, so are blue jays but these do like to hide. Our Lord is amazing and His designs are unmatched.


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