Hey friends, how are you today? Happy 1st day of March.  Apparently, today is the unofficial first day of spring, along with the first day of ‘Women’s History Month’.  We are already two months into the new year, which continues to seemingly move at the speed of light.  Blink and December will be here, and we will remember so very little of the past year because our focus was on the very few things, we had no control over, in the first place.  What were the highlights of January and February? Were there any or were they just a blur? There is so much happening in our world today that we can get whiplash trying to keep up.  If we are not careful, we can allow ourselves to become consumed with the events and happenings and leave truth behind.  The truth is prayer is our most powerful link to our Most Powerful and Almighty God.  No other thing brings healing then when the people of God unite in prayer.  

Prayer also helps us to not be overwhelmed with the things we cannot control or change.  Prayer allows us to keep our eyes on the Father.  Prayer gives us hope because we are reminded of the great promises of our God.  Prayer brings security and stability in a constantly changing world.  When we approach the throne of grace, we are forced to pray for others, which frees us to love all mankind, even the unloveable.  In the Lord’s presence, we learn to also count our own blessings.  Prayer frees us to see ourselves and appreciate our freedom and liberty, most importantly the freedom and liberty we have in the Lord.  Prayer brings peace to the one who prays in spite of a very unsettled world.  Prayer allow us to appreciate the beauty around us because we are reminded that though we cannot control the events of this world, we serve the God of the Universe.  The Only One Who has complete control. We are reminded that nothing takes Him by surprise, not because He can see into the future (though He can) but because everything that has to happen both the events of the seen and the unseen have already been recorded and for Him all has already been done.  He knows the end from the very beginning.  He does not need to be reminded to spy into the future to see the unfolding events, to Him all things are already known.  He knows it all, when we pray, we are reminded of these truths.  

Prayer frees us to laugh and find joy, when the events of the world would only proclaim “doom, doom”. Prayer brings assurance and confidence because we no longer carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.  With prayer, we cast our problems and the problems of this world at His feet.  We learn to be thankful for life when we abide in His presence.  Prayer reminds us that all is not lost because we are reminded of the Word of God.  We know that joy comes in the morning. Prayer gives us the opportunity to see ourselves, the real self, not perhaps the good self the world sees, but the self that knows we are nothing without the Lord.  Prayer removes the shields from our eyes that proclaim we are better than others in any way.  Because in the Lord’s presence when we complain about others, He shows us who we really are (a blessing we did not ask for, but there you have it).  

Prayer is for our good first, because communication with the God of the Universe is always awe inspiring and life changing. We can actually talk with the God of the Universe.  We do not need a mediator.  He knows our names; He calls us friends and allows us to call Him Father.  Prayer also brings good to those around us because our God answers prayers.  He is the One Who brings the change.  As the people of God, we have entrance into the Holy of Holies, into the very presence of Almighty, All-Powerful God.  The One Whose very words set the sun in the sky, created every beast of the field and every bird of the sky and every fish in the sea.  And He knows the demise of each of these because they are His creation.  We are reminded that we matter to Him, more than they because though He could have spoken us into existence, He chose to use His hands and His breathe. He choose from the very beginning to demonstrate His love for us.  

Prayer removes fear and anxiety because in this two-way communication, our Lord reminds us that nothing will ever separate us from His love.  Prayer reminds us of these truths.  

For quite some time now, we have been bombarded with news of the happenings of this world. Most of it encourages division and strife. Most target the emotions and the heart. And for most of us, who proclaim the Name of Christ we have allowed the division and strife to enter our personal realms. May we find unity in pray. How are you today? What or who have you been praying for lately?

Check me out on Instagram. Let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Follow my Instagram and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section. I would love to meet you 🙂

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34 responses to “DO NOT FRET; PRAY!”

  1. Amen!!!! What a powerful post, full of insight Brenda.

    “Prayer removes fear and anxiety because in this two-way communication, our Lord reminds us that nothing will ever separate us from His love.”

    I’ve been reminding myself of this very truth right along with this verse and now here you have it tucked into your post…God is so good about making His point.😉

    Prayer removes fear and anxiety because in this two-way communication, our Lord reminds us that nothing will ever separate us from His love.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen!!!
    I loved how Bill Bright founder of Campus Crusade said it-“when it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ, you can never dream too big for God because God’s ability to anoint and empower is far greater than your ability to dream”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Brenda, I’m learning how to truly talk with God versus just worry aloud. How to praise him in the midst of the muck instead of going into strive and solution mode. Prayer is this beautiful dance with our Savior and over the past years, I’ve turned it into a whining session for friends, family, and myself… even though I’m not truly whining. I’m looking forward to making some small changes that add up and getting back to a place of true prayer!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This was so encouraging. Thank you for the reminder of the power in prayer, need for us to pray and not allow the situations in the world to define how we love, care and hope but instead let it all come rightfully only from the Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Brenda, I love this comforting post full of God’s Truth. God has blossomed my prayer life this past year, and I am so grateful. Everything you said here about prayer is true and important. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. And we will meet, dear sister, someday, in Heaven if not on this earth!
    Your encouragement today reminds me of Betsy ten Boom when she was in the concentration camp with her sister, Corrie. She always encouraged Corrie to love, even the heartless guards. She led Bible studies and discussion groups in the wards of the camp to brighten the women’s days with hope of Heaven, many of which went there from the camp.
    So we carry on. Jesus is at our elbows, the Spirit whispers in our ears, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
    And so we hope for what we do not see, but know that it is real.
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    Liked by 3 people

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