Hey friends, how are you today? Brrr… it is freezing today.  I mean really, presently it is 5°.  Did you hear me? It is 5° with winds at 15mph.  Oh, the windchill!! And the sun decides to show off on such a day too.  Just the thought of the great outdoors gives me the chills! Anyway, that’s my story today.  What’s yours? 

Some days I have mixed feelings about winter.  I do enjoy the beauty of a snowfall and some days I am even thankful for the cold.  But this; this right here leaves me a bit indecisive today. Today is just a tad bit too cold, even for me.  Yet, it is during this time of year, the very distinctive chirp of the red cardinal bird can be heard. If I listen closely, I can even hear the other winter birds, in my neck of the woods.  Their sounds are more distinct because the snow cushions the noise, and the cold keeps everyone inside. And the beauty of the sun rays as they hit the winter white snow is stunning and blinding.  It almost looks like diamonds sparkling off the snow.   I guess I do love this time of year after all.  

Life must be lived today, despite this frigid cold. There is work to be done today. Today has to matter to me.  Today, with its imperfections, I hand over to the Lord.  Today, I will look up and I will complain to the Lord (well, I already did) about this frigid cold, but just for a little while.  I will have my moment but then I will say, ‘let it be done to me, according to Thy will”, because the Lord gives beauty even in the cold.  He reminds me, He did not leave me alone. And because I will remind myself today, that the God of the Universe is in control.  I will believe His Word.  He said, He loves me, He holds me in the Palm of His Hand.  He is always good, and He only does good.  We may not be where we want to be, but thankfulness for where we are, stops the bitterness and self-pity from taking root.

So today I choose to take pleasure in my frigid cold temperatures and share just the photos with you.  I will keep the cold to myself.  

How are you today? What are you thankful for today? 

Check me out on Instagram. Let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Follow my Instagram and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section. I would love to meet you 🙂

34 responses to “CAN PRAISE BE FOUND HERE?”

  1. The pictures are beautiful! I love the snow when I can sit in my easy chair with my hot coffee and look out at the snow on the evergreen trees. I don’t like it so much when I have to get out in that cold. It is cold and snowy here in Michigan. In this cold weather I am so thankful for a warm home, warm clothes and a warm car that runs in this cold weather.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your pictures look like that’s the frigid, crunchy kind of snow.
    We’re hunkering down here in our cold, too, whisking ourselves out for errands and visits, then back in with red noses. I think a hot chocolate is in order. I found a beautiful mug today, and it’s calling me.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We just got back to frigid Iowa after a lovely trip to warm Texas. By God’s grace, I am learning to be content in whatever “state” I am! There is a beauty in winter, as your photos show, and every season’s extremes make us appreciate/anticipate the other seasons, I think. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Brrrr! Those are temps that make you want to stay indoors for sure!! Makes for a great opportunity to snuggle up with a blanket, Bible, and thankfulness for a warm home!!

    Beautiful pictures!!❤️


  5. We have been below freezing here. There was a little fresh snow today. It always reminds me that God promised, Though your sins are as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. I take joy in that. Today I am thankful for the fire in the wood stove! For family. For a Godly friend I got to spend a couple days with, catching up. I have much to look forward to also. Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brenda, I agree that frigid cold temperatures with snow are not fun to deal with. However, the snowy view from the window is lovely. I am very thankful for God’s provision during the cold days of winter. 🌺

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I LOVE the snow! It is one of God’s most evidential miracles because so many factors have to be just perfectly in balance for it to occur. Kentucky’s just a little warmer than NY, about 25⁰F today when I had to replace a mailbox that a skidding car took out (along with two fence posts and almost knocking over two telephone poles!) She was moving kind of fast for the road conditions and the owner of the property said one of the fence rails went through her radiator. But the snow and ice are NOT dangerous!! Only crazy drivers who don’t pay proper respect to the white miracle. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • 😂😂😂I could not say it better myself. I I’ve in a college town and many of the student are from out of town and are it familiar with our streets. Too many have accidents in that first week. Thankfully most are not fatal. But our God is faithful

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for this reminder:

    And because I will remind myself today, that the God of the Universe is in control. I will believe His Word. He said, He loves me, He holds me in the Palm of His Hand. He is always good, and He only does good.

    I needed to hear this today.


  9. Amen, Brenda. It always helps to be thankful. It is 78 and sunny down here in Florida. It’s been in the 40s at night, and that feels almost freezing down here. We are supposed to get a cold front this weekend making it 60 on Sunday with a low of 41. I love the chilly weather. The winter weather here is just about perfect. The heat and humidity in the summer is unbearable. It’s been hard for me to adjust to Florida. I still miss Colorado and the beautiful mountains and crisp Rocky Mountain air. Being thankful and praising God for where we are and all He has done is definitely the best way to live. Blessings!

    Liked by 5 people

  10. Hello, Brenda. It’s been unseasonably cold here the last 48 hours. Last night it got down to 10 degrees! That’s pretty cold for this part of the country. We enjoy feeding the birds. Especially when we know they will need lots of groceries to stave off the bitter cold. Blessings to you and yours.

    Liked by 2 people

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