Hey friends, how was your weekend? It is 44Β° presently, under a bleak, cloudy, dreary, forlorn, gloomy day, in my neck of the woods; (‘E’ anyone? Can you believe, I could not find any depressing β€˜e’ word? Huh!)

the difference a day makes

But I am reminded that in all things we give thanks, even in days like these. Believe me, it could always be worse; it could be snowing.

Days like these are beautiful, they are complacent, cozy, comfortable days.  I like days like these, because I don’t have to move quickly; days like these remind me to slow down.  We’ve had quite a few depressing, dismal, dark and rainy days lately.  So, you could imagine, I’ve not been moving very quickly at all.  I think in the past few days; I’ve probably read about ten books.  No, no, not books I HAVE to read for our Young Ladies Bible Study, no; not the one I HAVE to read for our Women’s Bible Study either; just mind numbing fictitious, romance books.  My favorite really.  

So, now that I’ve bored You with my ramblings (and I could ramble) how are you doing? Perhaps I’ll be quiet long enough to actually listen… balance is a difficult attribute to attain isn’t it? I’ve come to the realization that β€˜balance’ could also be called β€˜self control’.Β Β What do you think?Β 

I talk too much! I think it is somehow programmed in my DNA. I am prone to speak. Listening is a skill; I am still working on it. I talk to my husband, my children, friends and family. I even talk to myself, when no one is around.Β Β Thankfully the walls are not talking back, or else I would really be in trouble.Β Β Β My mind is constantly coming up with free advice, no one requested.Β Β I can hardly wait for you to be done talking, because I need to say something, before I lose my train of thought.Β Β After all, I know it all.Β Β Why do I do that?Β 

I love this verse, Heavenly Father. Can You see her, Lord? Who is she? Can she be me? I would like her to be me. This woman thinks before she speaks, she is quick to listen but slow to speak(James 1:19). She realizes that words have power, they can be detrimental and deadly. They can breathe life and comfort. 

She knows that, so she slows down, and she draws near to You, the Author and Finisher of her faith.  She knows on her own, she is prone to say too much. Can she, please be me, Lord? I want to be her. This woman understands that in too many words, she is likely to be dishonest. Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise.She speaks kindly to people. She speaks truth, tapered with wisdom.  She knows not just when to speak, but also how to speak.  Before she rebukes anyone, she seeks You. She knows she can very easily speak out of anger and frustration.  She can be impatient with her words, so she runs to You, she finds comfort under the shadow of Your wings.  Can I be her, Father? I want to be her.

Can we be her, together? Let’s watch our words today, let’s look out for each other.Β Β Let’s encourage and edify and build up as we walk along this path of Christian living.Β Β 

Let’s keep in touch; follow my Facebook page here or find me on Instagram here.J

42 responses to “WHAT! SHE’S STILL TALKING?”

  1. […] Complacency, that’s a word that should bring fear to our very souls, I think.  Complacency: the belief that I’ve arrived, I can’t be taught because I’ve learnt all there is to learn.  Or on the other end of that spectrum is the knowledge that something is wrong and say nothing and do nothing. Complacency gives up, does she not?  Talk baby talk!  […]

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    • Amen πŸ™πŸ½ and it’s not very hard to do, when we don’t think before we speak; Lord help us. May the Lord be with us as we apply self control to our mouths ❀️❀️


  2. I love this thought: “I’ve come to the realization that β€˜balance’ could also be called β€˜self control’. ” My #oneword last year was “Sufficient” and He continues to show me how that self-sufficiency can be changed to self-control with HIS help, as I allow Him to be sufficient. Oh, so much still to learn there! But yes, I am so glad that He keeps teaching and calling closer to Himself! Blessings to you!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I would love to see some of your book recommendations. I love a good old mind numbing fiction book every now and then too! I can be a talker when I have a lot on my mind…maybe a bit of a “know it all” too if I’m honest with myself, lol!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. How about “empty”? Ebbing? Ennui-causing? Eucky!? Because the Church of God is charcterized as a woman and as the Bride of Christ, even us men can strive to be like the Proverbs 31 perfect woman and control our tongues. James 3 says no man can tame the tongue (v. 8). If that’s the case, what chance has a woman got! Seriously, none of us can except that the answer to how to control our tongue is in James 3:17. We need “the wisdom that is from above [which] is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” We can ask God daily for this wisdom (James 1:5).

    Liked by 3 people

    • πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I should have checked with you first πŸ™‚ Ebbing and Eucky are perfect. Thanks for this comment, it hits the nail on the head. May we indeed seek the Lord’s wisdom when it comes to our speech


  5. Speech is a challenge for all of us – especially us “girly types”. Two scriptures that help me stay focused (and hopefully under the control of the Holy Spirit) are Psalm 141:3 and Psalm 19:14. I especially like the NLT version for both of them. Praying that we both will do more listening and less speaking unless inspired by the Spirit! πŸ™‚
    Jo Martin lovelettersfromabba.wordpress.com

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  6. We have also had dreary days for days. And no, I could not find an “E” word for it. 😁 Like you, I am grateful it’s not snowing (because it IS snowing on the other side of the state!).
    My husband is the talker in our relationship. He tells me he wishes I would talk more. But I’m with you: If I talked more than I needed to, my words would spill and tumble and be more of mine than maybe of God’s.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. AMEN! I want to be her too πŸ™‚ I have a tendency to speak without thinking. As you, I am working on it, but it’s hard to curb that human nature, especially when I don’t include God in my attempts! Interesting thought about the relationship between balance and self-control. That definitely gives me something to think about. It is snowing in our neck of the woods today…I am trying not to cry, lol. I am done with snow and cold weather!! I know it won’t last long (Ecc 3:1) but still, yesterday was sunny and warmish!! God Bless my friend and have a lovely day!

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    • I feel you about the snow πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ It snowed all day Saturday, it didn’t really stick, but still it was cold enough to snow 😦 I am trying to control my speech and it really is self control; knowing when to stop. May the Lord be with us

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