Good day friends.  How are you, today? How was your week?  We are about six (6) weeks away from the end of the year.  In just a few weeks, we will welcome a new year, if the Lord allows.  2019 is right around and honestly, I’m not quite sure I’m ready. But really, have you ever thought about how one gets ready for a new year? But thankfully, before we get there, we have about six (6) weeks to review and analyze the past year.  How did I do in my walk with the Lord?  Was it a priority to honor Him with the things He has given me to do? Have my footprints lead others to my Savior? These are a few of the questions; I need to honestly answer with my Lord. prov 31 31 Last year, we took Anna to scout out a college and while there, I noticed this caption, ‘Bloom where you’re planted’, written on the wall. The Resident Director said for a few students, this was not where they chose to be, but rather than make the most of where they were, they squandered their time, and most need a behavior adjustment (Yep, certainly sounds familiar).Proverbs 31 26 That got me into thinking of a time when I was in a place I did not want to be.  I just could not believe that the Lord had planned this for my life.  I had my life all mapped out already; (you already know, don’t you?) how I was going to serve the Lord and where that service would take place and it was a good plan (or so I thought).  But here I was, in a totally new environment with which I was unfamiliar.  That could not be right!  How can I function under these circumstances?  I prayed and waited for change. And I prayed and I waited; and prayed and waited some more… (You get the drift). Nothing happened; nothing changed.  Fear was first in the miasma of emotions. Anger and bitterness quickly followed and on the heels of that came depression.  Throughout that time, the question, ‘How can God do this to me?’, was never far from my mind.  Also, during that time, throughout the varied emotions, while I still continued to wait for the Lord to change my setting, I should also mention, that I never stopped praying (trying to convince God that I knew better) and I read my Bible daily (that was habitual).  proverbs-3 I was not in a good place.  My eyes were no longer on the Lord, but were rather on the situation and of now, the situation had a life of its own.   I was sinking and was utterly overwhelmed with the direction my life was going.  But God is faithful, He is gracious and full of mercy and there is no end to His amazing grace.  The Bible tells us that the Word of God will not return void and ultimately when I hit rock bottom, I could only call on the Lord to save me.  Throughout that time, the Lord Himself became my Strength, my Shield, my Defender, and my Protector.  His Word eventually broke through the barrier that had been built by my emotions, by my doubt.  Do you know my God?  Eventually, the Lord brought my attention back to what I already knew to be true, about my God.  He is good and He always does good.  He knows best, always; all the time; everyday. phil1-6Bloom where you’re planted.  You are there for a purpose.  God is infallible; He does and He allows.  Allow Him to change you and grow you, nurture you.  It was always about you; never really about the circumstance.  It is just a tool to be used by a Holy, Righteous, and Loving God to draw you to Him.  Live life, enjoy the sunshine, laugh. Your God has not abandoned you.  He was and still is right there.  Trust that He knows what he is doing.  Believe He is and continues to work it out for your good.  Bloom where you’re planted.  closing1brenda

51 responses to “BLOOM, WHERE YOU’RE PLANTED!”

  1. Thank you for this. It’s very encouraging. I’ve been ministering to and praying for someone for many years only to watch them grow bitter too, but God gave me a verse that spoke that this would change. I’m holding onto that promise, so it’s really nice to hear a story so similar. I know that God will come through here too. It’s just a matter of time. 🙂 Beautiful post Brenda. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well said! I have been in exactly the same spiritual place you describe, and through my waiting, God also caused a lot of junk (bitterness, pride, etc.) to rise to the surface. Looking back, it was a good thing after all and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, hurts and all. May we ever live for His glory!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have been in such a place and this is what the Lord told me: ‘Instead of fighting to move to the next phase of your vision, learn to show some gratitude where you are. Many people would do anything to be where you are but you despise it because you want better, you want more. Be grateful and enjoy where you are.’
    This word from the Lord cured me of my temporary insanity and got me back on track.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This lesson. This is so important. Not being present takes away from what God has for us where we are… it is a hard lesson to learn but very necessary. Thank you for your words.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good Bless Morning!! Brenda!! As i was reading I recall things that I had endured as child, teen, and as a adult today. I have tasted, and I’m not going to say that I wont taste more. Because as long as it’s His Will. I’m going to be tasting more, doing this Spiritul growth. I have learned a lot along the path. I can say that Jesus Christ was with me along those paths. He has been my Provider. He has let me know that He is still in Control of Everything. Thank you for sharing this. ((Hugs)) I’m so Thankful and Grateful to be who and whom I am today. We all have a purpose, weather we know it are don’t know it. (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.) Psalm 119:105

    Liked by 2 people

  6. WordPress frustrates me sometimes with its glitches! I’ve followed your blog for well over a year and now in the past month it’s not recognizing it so I have to comment as if I’m a guest user:/ and it takes much longer to fill out the info each time I want to comment
    Anyway great post !! Hoping I can get this figured out:(

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is such a hard lesson to learn and I’ve had to learn it over and over as I had so many expectations for my life. But have you encountered resistance to this idea of God’s sovereignty? I know I have. Many people don’t like the concept.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Wow, you used the word, “miasma.” Good one. I’m sorry to report that I know miasma very well; but happy to report that God was right there with me, as you say. He can make anyone bloom out of anything (even miasma). 😁
    God bless you!

    Liked by 2 people

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