Hey friends, how are you today? How was your week? Our weather has been all over the place; with frigid, subzero temperatures and windchills, to above normal temperature with rain. The only consistency has been the lack of sunshine.ย ย This week alone, we have had rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow and its only Friday.ย ย Presently, it is 27ยฐ[Fahrenheit) with quickly falling temperatures throughput the day.ย ย But hey, isnโ€™t our topic today on โ€˜Joyful Livingโ€™?ย 

Is there joy to be found in times like these? Well yes… if I could stay at home in my robe and PJs all day with Netflix, a book and coffee to keep me company.ย ย Of course, it would also bring me quite a bit of joy, if the elves would make me some clam chowder after which they would clean the house and complete the laundry while theyโ€™re there.ย ย Ahh yesโ€ฆ perfect days (my computer thought I wanted the word โ€˜daydreamโ€™i wonder why?).ย ย Life happens, doesnโ€™t it, friends?ย 

But unfortunately, this is not my story today.ย ย I must leave the house today and be outside for a bit (at this time, I accept every sympathetic thought and prayer that is presently on the way, thank you).ย ย I have come to the conclusion that joyful living depends on me.ย ย (noooooo!). But yes… itโ€™s true.ย ย Erwin G. Tieman says; โ€œNothing influences the quality of life more than how we respond to troubleโ€.ย ย 

In other words, troubles are inevitable; although I can pray for a sunny 85ยฐ or even a sunny 74ยฐ or perhaps a sunny 50ยฐ will do (note the word โ€˜sunnyโ€™ keeps coming up) the truth is more than likely by the dayโ€™s end we will be approaching the single digits.ย ย 

How can I experience joy in times like these? Well, here are three simple steps.

  1. Spend time with the Lord.ย ย Stay in His Word and talk to Him about the happenings in our lives.ย ย I know weโ€™ve heard this a thousand times before; but absolute joy is found in the presence of the God of the universe.ย ย There we are assured of His love, His forgiveness, His faithfulness, His grace, and His mercy.ย ย 
  1. Trust His Word.ย ย Take the Lord at His Word, He is not a man that He should lie.ย ย There is no deceit found in Him.ย ย He is trustworthy and He is dependable.ย ย 
  1. Pray for ourselves, sometimes we focus only on the problems.ย ย I want warmer temperatures with oodles and oodles of sunshine.ย ย Though what I need more is a better attitude to accept my present reality, even if nothing changes.ย ย If joyful living depends on me then I must be willing to change my thinking.ย ย Troubles will come, but my God is unshakable, unmovable.ย ย He is my Anchor, my Source of strength.ย ย He is always good.ย 

Thatโ€™s it friends, thatโ€™s the key to joyful living.ย ย Everything else brings temporary joy.ย ย At the consignment store this week, I bought this beautiful Swarovski bracelet and a gorgeous two-piece Calvin Klein jogger set (I will show you next week). Although I am quite happy with my purchases, too soon I will be onto the next thing.ย ย ย My joy cannot be found there.ย ย Although I love my family to bits and I am loved by them, there are days when they are the source of my troubles, I need Someone bigger.ย ย My joy canโ€™t be found in them.ย ย 

My joy is in the Lord.ย ย When I remember that and surrender my will over to the Him, then and only then will I experience true joy.ย ย 

What do you do to experience joy?

Check me out on Instagram. Letโ€™s continue the conversation over onย Instagram. Follow myย Instagramย and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section. I would love to meet you ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. I am thankful the weather has warmed up! Below zero is never fun, but is expected around here. No sun in sight, but at least we are warmer ๐Ÿ™‚ God is good even when the weather is bad! I am always working on having a better attitude, life is a journey!! God Bless ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Trusting God! That’s where I find my peace and my joy in times of stress, trials, doubts, and fears. Trust doesn’t always happen automatically, but I eventually get there and when I do, the peace falls. Your post is a constant reminder where to keep our focus! God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amen, Brenda. Such good advice. And simple, for a squirrel,like me, to remember. ๐Ÿฟ Trust in the Lord. Believe his Word. Pray for ourselves. Got it! Thank you. I also love the quote by Tieman. It went straight into my daily journal. Hereโ€™s to higher temps, or at least some ๐ŸŒž sunshine. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post, and thank you for the wonderful reminders. The only place we can find true joy…in the Lord. Lol.. Fluctuating temperature everywhere I guess. Not sure when I’ve seen it like this. Frigid cold right now in southern Ontario, but you would love it. From east to west as far as the eye can see there is blue skies. It’s amazing how that blue and the sunshine can lift our moods, just as the greys can bring us down. I will take a closer look at your Instagram page. Hope you’ll also check me out there.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. God has made it so simple for us, hasn’t He? Three simple steps – and you’re right about all of them. Know God; trust Him; rework our attitudes to find our joy in Him. It’s there, and He offers it to us – abundantly. Learning to receive is a lifelong process.

    Liked by 2 people

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