Hello my friends.  How are you? I pray that you are having a great day.  You do know that’s up to you, right? We can’t control nature, circumstances or people… I know, I’ve tried. It doesn’t work.  BUT what we do have is control over our own actions, emotions and our thoughts, our attitudes; or perhaps I should say, what we SHOULD have is control over ourselves.    As a matter of fact, the Word of God said it first in Galatians 5:22,23 and again in Proverbs 16:32.  When the Lord desires a change in attitude, He usually repeats Himself more than one time, most times, He says it more than three . Because, you know, we are a tiny bit hard of hearing.

Sooo anywho… Shall I share a secret with you? Do you promise not to tell my kids? They still think I’m the best mom in the world and I want them to keep believing that.  It’s in our best interest for them to do so.  Do I have your word? Thank you.  Okay…here goes.  

In the early part of my teens, the first three to four of these teen years, I was so stubborn and disobedient, that I was told I was developing a rebellious nature.   Hard to believe, isn’t it? But yes, it’s true.  I did not see the need to do anything I was told to do, if I was not told why I should.  I also did not obey the directives if I felt it was unfair. I must admit my mom was almost always frustrated and exasperated with me.  It did not last very long though.  My mom had my uncle, who was the pastor of our church, speak to me.  You know you are in trouble when the pastor speaks to you! You see, I was a Christian.  My uncle read me the story of Samuel and Saul.  You can read that story for yourself in I Samuel 15. He quoted this verse 1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,  He also has rejected you from being king.”  

Now I definitely feared the Lord, perhaps more than I did my mom.  My uncle said rebellion is  a defiant setting of the will; a deliberate resistance against doing right.  He also said  I was disobeying a direct command from the Lord, when I disobeyed my mom.  “Well, since you put it this way…” It was certainly not an instantaneous turnabout.  No, I was too entrenched in my ways.  It was a gradual shift, due to my prayers for deliverance and I’m sure,  the prayers  of my family. 

In this verse the Lord is speaking to Israel.  Israel had completely abandon the commandments of the Lord.  Although they were warned by prophets sent by the Lord, they refused to obey.  They willfully chose to rebel against God.  They twisted the words of God to accommodate their sin and worshipped idols.  The Lord says, “let/leave them alone”.  These are scary words coming from the Lord of Hosts.  “Let them alone”.  Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. Remove the protection and peace which the Lord provided. “Leave them alone.”   

The Lord is just in His discipline, He is  just in the consequences. He is  always a just Judge. He disciplines to restore.  He disciplines to deliver.  He disciplines to save.   He disciplines to bring us back into union with Him.  He disciplines for our learning.  His discipline is always tapered with mercy and pity.  His discipline is always wrapped up in love.  His discipline is perfect and just.  His discipline is for our sakes. 

Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.  What is the worst punishment an unbeliever can suffer? There is just one; total separation from a holy, righteous and good God. But for us, who should know better? For us, who claim to know the God of the Universe? Shall disobedience go unpunished? Was the cost of our salvation worth so little?

God is just.  Like a parent, the Lord warns us of danger.  He uses His Word, people and circumstances to redirect our paths. He sends those warning signals that shout ‘danger! Wrong direction! Danger!” May we heed the warning signs.

How are you today? Really…How are you doing? What scripture are you reading through, now? Why did you choose it?

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43 responses to “DO NOT LEAVE ME”

  1. I enjoyed reading that story of God’s grace in your life very much, sister. The application you gave at the end was wonderful when you preached boldly, saying, “For us, who claim to know the God of the Universe? Shall disobedience go unpunished? Was the cost of our salvation worth so little?”. Then, you didn’t leave us hopeless under that weight. You healed with these words, “Like a parent, the Lord warns us of danger. He uses His Word, people, and circumstances to redirect our paths. He sends those warning signals that shout ‘danger! Wrong direction! Danger!” May we heed the warning signs.” Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for your words here and the encouragement! I have kinda been all over the place in scripture, but since my word for 2021 is LIGHT, I have looked up many references and have found much comfort there. May we be HIS light to a dark world and remember we are CHRIST’S ambassadors!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, yes, ” you know, we are a tiny bit hard of hearing.” I am reading through the Bible chronologically in one year following the Bible Recap podcast because I need to hear it all again! Thanks for keeping it REAL, Brenda.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. A close friend gave me the Passion Translation for Christmas, and I am reading Revelation for myself with new eyes. Why? Because the wise prophets of the OT were said to understand their times. I want to know what God says about the world we live in and recognize truth when I see it.
    My children and I just finished reading Judges together, so I think we will just head right over to Ruth. There is so much wisdom that they can learn to apply to their lives when they read other people’s stories and have help pulling out the treasures.

    Have a wonderful week!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Amen. I am especially thinking about the part where you prayed for your own deliverance due to an adult who had the insight to speak His Word into your life. Powerful!

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Where am I reading? through Genesis. Why? It’s in the yearly devotional I follow. It’s a really good devotional, and I’ve been using it for years. But I’m kinda hankering for a change – I’d like to study the minor prophets. Looking…

    Indeed, God has much to say about rebellion. And it’s good to use God’s Words with kids, because God’s Word carries power and depth that mine cannot. I was a goody-two-shoes growing up, but of course that developed into pride of a different color… God takes care of that, too. I’m with you and Vickie: I’m so grateful for God, Who loves even me, Who continues to pursue me, even after He caught me.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I’m so glad that God loves me enough to keep warning me even though sometimes I continue on the wrong path. I haven’t had a donkey speak to me yet, but God does whatever He needs to do to correct my path. “Narrow is the way….”

    Liked by 6 people

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