Hey friends, how are you today? Here is my neck of the woods, it is an abysmal, bleak, cloudy, dreary, forlorn (couldnโ€™t think of an appropriate โ€˜eโ€™ word) and gloomy day. It has been raining since yesterday and it continues into this day, even the squirrels sought shelter.  Iโ€™ve said before, I love rainy days almost as much as I love sunny days.  Of course, because we are in the fall season, rainy days also signify cold days.  It is 48ยฐ right now and with the rain, it feels slightly cooler.  

I would have preferred the sun and the warmth today, because I have to leave the house, but rain and cold is what Iโ€™ve been given.  This Christian life doesnโ€™t come with a โ€˜one size fits allโ€™; each twist and turn has been specifically designed for me; the good, the bad and the ugly.  Even the consequences of my own actions have been fashioned just for me, for my good and also for the good of those around me.  Our God is such a Master Builder, that when He allows lifeโ€™s intricacies into my life, He works it out for the good of those around me too, even though it may not appear to be so to them at the time.  God is always good, in everything, He is good and in everything He does good.  

When I receive bad news, as I did today, itโ€™s hard to โ€˜seeโ€™ the good. But thatโ€™s faith isnโ€™t it? The belief that everything will work out for our good and for the good of those affected.  Faith is believing in the โ€˜unseeableโ€™; faith believes in the hope that this problem will be resolved. But most importantly faith relies on the knowledge that God is good, that He loves me unconditionally and unwaveringly and unfailingly. And because of that love, He will perfect each act to grow and mature me in my relationship with Him.  Faith demands trust in the Personality of God, more than what He can do.   Faith believes that the character of God will only allow Him to do good, perhaps not my way, perhaps not necessarily in the manner which I would prefer, but always acting in my best interest.  Faith insists that I acknowledge that this world is not my home, that truly Iโ€™m just passing through.  It says do not hold on to the things of this earth too tightly; my forever home is coming up, Iโ€™m just in the preparation stage.  

Today may be gloomy friends, but even the rain is a blessing; and the blessing of the rain doesnโ€™t stop there.  When the rain gives way to sunshine, the joy of it will be sweeter and more cherished.  So, you see, God is good.  

How are you today?ย 

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32 responses to “RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY”

  1. Empty, effluent, entombed, exhaustive, effusive? ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Anyway, I love rainy drizzly days!
    Great weather for reading with a cup of hot chocolate and a warm fire.
    See 1 Kings 8:36 and Matthew 5:45 ๐Ÿ˜‡ All Fatherโ€™s best to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Praying for you๐Ÿ™ When God tests our faith it’s designed to stretch us as you mentioned. The stretching hurts and it doesn’t always feel good but it does serve a purpose. I’m learning that this Christian journey is not always easy and it’s definitely not for the faint at heart. I pray that God will release new grace upon you, new mercy upon you and give you new strength to conqueror the giant that’s standing before you. May your bad news turn into something great that God has secretly hidden in it for you. I pray that you will continue to encourage and inspire the world through your writings. May God cover you with his feathers and under his wings May you find refuge as you continue to walk in purpose and as you continue to obey. Amen!


  3. Ahh, some days are like that. God created our emotions, and He gives us the choice of how to use them.
    Romans 8.6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
    Sometimes, like Eeyore, we abide in the dreary, forlorn, and gloomy. We can still set our minds on things above. Sometimes, when we are forlorn, God’s comfort feels even better.

    Liked by 1 person

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