Hey friends, how are you doing today? How was your week? Was it a good or bad week? I pray that you were able to say, you had a good, if not a wonderful week. The ability to have a good or a bad week week depends on us.  It depends on our beliefs and trust in our heavenly Father.  It depends on our outlook or our point of view, of our circumstances.  God still remains the great God of the universe and He still sits on the throne.  He hears the prayers of the His people and He always responds to their hearts. Perhaps the response may not come when we want, maybe not in the manner we expected, but our God always has an answer to life’s issues, if we trust in Him, we will not doubt this truth.  

We had a wonderful time on vacation with the family.  We’ve done so much, that we now need a vacation from the vacation.  We choose not to leave the state, because NY has approximately thirty-four others states on travel ban.  Had we left; we would have had to be quarantined for fourteen days.  Ahhh no! We went to the Adirondack, while there we went to the Wild Center.  My husband loves a game of golf.  As a matter of fact, this is one of the few hobbies we enjoy together.  Needless to say, golfing was a big part of our vacation, much to the girl’s dismay, because this is one sport, in which they have no interest. It was also our 26th wedding anniversary; to our Great and mighty God be all the glory.  I thank the Lord for this wonderful man, he is definitely a keeper. I love him more today than I did then.   

Take some time to explore your state, see the beauty our God sends our way just for our pleasure and His glory.Β Β He gives us the beauty of nature and of people, whether friends or family, to draw us to Himself.Β Β Heads up, my friends, eyes on the Lord, this too shall pass, if not in this life, then definitely in the next.Β 

Β If the sparrows of the air trust Him enough to supply their every need, surely, we too, can trust Him. Are we not loved more than they?Β 

32 responses to “DOES BEAUTY EXIST?”

  1. Your beauty shines through in your smile and your love for Jesus! God made a beautiful world and amazing creatures! Great photos and I love the photo of the woodpecker.

    Happy Anniversary! We also celebrated ours this month – 50 years! We are enjoying lots of day trips and weekend getaways. Living without fear knowing God looks after us, as He said He looks after the sparrows, how much more He cares for us. No one gets out alive, but with faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ, we have eternal life. Such peace! ❀️



  2. I read your title, “Does Beauty Exist?”, then I saw your first photo, of you on the steps. My answer to your title was a resounding YES! You are a beautiful woman, a woman of God who spreads His beautiful Word and His beautiful wisdom like rays of sunshine all around us.
    Happy anniversary, you love birds!
    Thank you for sharing your photos with us.

    Liked by 1 person

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