Hey friends, how are you doing today? Just today? Do not look back to analyze the past  and do not look forward into the future, just today, how are you doing? I’m doing ok, thank you for asking. Although I should revisit the past, just briefly, to tell you, we picked up over a foot of snow over the weekend.  And also, to tell you that our temperature barely rose to 30°.  

But  today  is a good day, because I choose to take the Lord at His Word, according to Psalm 118:24 “and rejoice in this day”. “Sufficient for today” (Matthew 6:34) right? Sometimes my attitude, can be subjected to my emotions and my emotions can depend on my circumstances and, of course, my joy or lack of it, is then hinged on what happens around me, which is shame. It’s so easy to give people or my circumstances too much authority in my life and that’s exactly what I do, when a ‘good’ day depends on whether someone is nice to me or whether it’s a warm 80° day.  What I need to always remember is this: 

God’s absolute, undying love for me is trustworthy. I can trust the Lord because He loves me, unconditionally and unwaveringly. I am absolutely loved by the God of the universe! Shall I say it louder? And His love is dependable and trustworthy.  How do I know this? 

My God sacrificed His precious, ‘only Begotten Son’ just for me. Can you imagine that? Me! He wants me to spend eternity with Him and there was only one way for this to become a reality.  My debt was too great; the price of my sin too costly, there was just no way possible, for me to bridge the gap, caused by my sin.  The God of the Universe knew that, and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price of my sin.  

The God of the Universe is faithful. Even in my unfaithfulness, He remains faithful. The truth is, unlike me, the Lord does not need anything from me to be faithful.  He does not need my obedience, nor does He need me to be faithful to Him.  My obedience and my faithfulness are for me; it’s for my good and for my growth and maturity as a Christian. The Lord remains faithful to Himself and to His Word.  

My God is true. Every Word is true, He keeps every promise He makes, because He is Truth. He CANNOT lie, or else He would not be God.  

He is patient. Boy, is He patient!  If I were half as patient as He, I would be a better wife, mother and friend, but I’m not. Thankfully He is very patient, He would have to be; with a daughter like me.  His patience, gentleness and kindness go far beyond mere man’s knowledge. 

He is a forgiving God.  He does not hold my sin against me, when I sincerely ask Him to forgive me. He takes it far away from me.  He never brings it up again, He wipes my slate clean and grants me new opportunities for a beautiful fresh start.  Each acquittal offers freedom and hope, and the possibilities are endless. 

He is good.  Tada! I know, I know… sometimes it’s hard to ‘see’ His goodness, when difficulties and trials are part of our lives.  The truth is, without pain, we have the tendency to fall into a monotonous relationship with the Lord.  We become passionate and zealous about the Lord, when tribulations make their way into our lives.  And so, for our good and just because, this sin filled life will throw us a few curve balls and we experience the goodness and grace of our God during these times. 

God is generous.  Remember, everything belongs to Him; the God of the Universe owns it all and He freely gives from His bounty. And the best part, it comes without obligations. 

The Lord desires only the best for us.  Everything He does and everything He allows into our lives is for our good.  It’s for our growth and for our maturity as Christians.  It’s to make us more like Christ in our everyday lives.  We learn to love others better, to forgive faster, to give more generously, to live a life of kindness and patience, just like our Lord.  He wants us to ‘see’ Him and ‘know’ Him, so He answers our prayers, to create a history with Him.  And so that, we will tell others about Him and His love.  

The God of the Universe is not a god made by hands, He isn’t a figment of our imagination, He isn’t a god conjured up by our minds, He is GOD! He doesn’t need our goodness or lack of it, to love us. He loves us, outside of our selves, because He is GOD. He chooses to love us and nothing we do, or don’t, can “ever separate us from that love” (Romans 8:38). We can trust the Lord, my friends, in spite and because of our circumstances. We can trust Him, because He loves us.  Oh how, He loves us! 

How are you today? Share with us, why you believe you are loved by the God of the Universe.  

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50 responses to “8 REASONS WE CAN TRUST GOD’S LOVE”

  1. You are so right: “It’s so easy to give people or my circumstances too much authority in my life.” And then you gave us statement after statement of shout-worthy truth to combat discouragement or disappointment! Well done!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello! Today, finally today, I have peace because the sun is back out after a dreary and rainy week. But my peace is because I buried our big ole rescue dog, Miss Daisy, at our monument where we will be buried. We rescued her 11 months ago only to learn at four years old she had had an ugly life and her broken and battered body reflected it. 💔 We were told by two different vets we would be lucky if she lived a year. So we set about doing our best to love her unconditionally and restore her faith in mankind. The great stories I could tell you of the love we had together! By the grace of God, we succeeded and what a mighty lesson, I might add, for what our Jesus does for us! He restores our brokenness when we receive his unconditional love, then we have our own stores to tell, right? John 3:16. We may have only had her for 11 months but she passed in our arms knowing her past was a thing of the past because she was loved and adored every day we were blessed to have her. We thank Jesus for this loving, albeit difficult, opportunity.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I feel exhausted and unwell, but your words of God’s love are very comforting. He has faithfully afflicted us, even when it doesn’t feel this way. When my feelings can’t be trusted I will remember that God CAN be trusted. ☺ Thanks Brenda. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I could feel your passion for God bouncing out of this post! I needed the smile that it brought today. 🙂 You had some really excellent points, as other commenters have already pointed out! What a Great God we serve!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Oh, amen and Hallelujah! I do love how you praise our God so deeply and with such detail. You use such words of wisdom.
    These truths:
    “It’s so easy to give people or my circumstances too much authority in my life” (I love the way you put that; it really is about authority, isn’t it, and who/what we respect and obey)
    “My obedience and my faithfulness are for me; it’s for my good and for my growth and maturity as a Christian.” (Our God is so awesome that way, such love, that He designs everything good to be for His glory AND OUR GOOD!)
    Thank you, Brenda! 😁

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I am so moved by this devotion and each reason mentioned touched me personally. Thank you always for your edifying and insightful posts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and words, they are a comfort. I am truly blessed and encouraged by this inspired and inspiring devotion. Blessings to you my dear sister for always sharing.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Thank God for His faithfulness and His perfect love towards us. There is nothing we can do to stop God from loving us. He will hate the sins of our lives but His love for us made Him to give His only begotten son to save us. Loving Christ is shown by keeping His commandment it brings honor and glory to Him. When we do this we will experience more of the attributes of His love.

    Liked by 2 people

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