Hey friends, how are you today? Phew! Can you remember the past three months? Researchers have said, most of us remember the very highs and the extremely lows of our lives.  But what if there aren’t any very highs and lows? Does that mean we haven’t lived life, if we can’t remember what we did? I love this verse, Psalms 90:12 So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.  May we choose to value the time, we’ve been granted.  


TIME; there are many phrases that include that word,’time’. A few of my favorites are ‘time flies’, ‘in the nick of time’, ‘time will tell’, ‘only a matter of time’.   Time has even been given an identity; ‘father time’. 


This year is seemingly moving at the speed of light. Why does time seem to move so quickly?  We are already in the month of April.  I am not ready for the year to come to an end.  But ready or not, time will march on; if the Lord tarries.  I am a ‘task oriented’ person.  I make my list; I checked it twice and heaven help anyone that gets in my way.  I am the ‘Martha’ in Luke 10:38-42 (go ahead; read it; I’ll wait). I feel very accomplished when I have completed my list of tasks, that very rarely have anything to do with people (believe it or not, I know you are with me). Most of us women are task oriented, until we’re shown the ‘Light’.  


Lately, I have been very much a ‘Martha’. I have had so much to do, that I resorted to keeping a documented list of my tasks.  Unfortunately, throughout the last three months, I’ve also resigned my time with the Lord to that list of tasks. Jesus tells Martha, Mary choose the ‘good part’, that which will never be taken away from her.  Mary chose well, she chose to value her time with the Lord, she chose to not be distracted by the thousands of tasks that are all vying for her attention.  She chose the part that was eternal, the part she would still have with her, even beyond the grave.  Mary chose well.  

She sat at the feet of Jesus, she listened to His teachings and more than likely, because she was not distracted, she was capable of intentional obedience.  The Lord was able to mold and shape and change her character. She began to look more like the Lord, she loved and served.  Mary chose the ‘good part’.  


Martha on the other hand was ‘worried and troubled about many things’; sounds familiar? It most certainly did to me.  Lately, I’ve been consumed with ensuring that I have the time for all my tasks, including enjoying this time of the year; my spring time. Except in my haste and in my desire to be on top of everything, I seem to have regulated the ‘good part’ to a task. But it can’t be a task, can it? Spending time with my Lord is too valuable to be assigned a task position. It is at the feet of Jesus I find my directives for the day.  It is in His Presence, I am secure, settled and soothed (got that?).  It is because of that time; I am better organized and orderly.  It is through Him I am able to face the day.  I am able to love others because of Christ.      


John 3:16 reminds me, ‘that God loves people so much, that He sent His Son to die for people’, not for tasks.  I must make time for my ‘task’, but I should never overwhelm my schedule with so many tasks, that there isn’t time for people also. Balance! Intentional living!  Psalms 118:24 tells us, “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it”.  

Help me Lord not to miss the learning in this day.  You are immutable, but I so need to change. I need to be intentional in my walk. I need to slow down; I need not be so busy that I miss the learning to grow; to mature. Teach me to appreciate the quiet times, the time spent with You, meditating on Your Word. Help me to be content with this season of my life and not wonder at the ‘could have been’. Remind me that You are the Author of time, and You decide when that ‘time is up’. Forgive me for being impatient with people, when they do not fall in line with my time frame.  


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38 responses to “TICK…TOCK…TICK…TOCK…”

  1. I totally understand your point and agree we all need more “Mary” time. But I think God has given the church Martha’s too – women whose gifts are management or hospitality. Women whose strength is in doing for others – baking that cake, fixing that meal, cleaning the church. We can get too busy “doing” it’s true but thank God for those work behind the scenes often keep the church/family running.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for this post Brenda!!!! I was just praying with my kids this morning that God would help our family to better organize our time and to prioritize our hobbies and tasks! I too, feel like I make my time with the Lord a time that is penciled in at times, and I definitely want to straighten that out!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I find that even though I don’t realize it, I am more of a Martha. Even though I may not always be great at completing my tasks, I certainly focus on them a LOT more than I should. It’s good to have goals and want to accomplish things, but like you said, we can’t forget that spending time with God is the GOOD part. Balance….it always comes down to balance! Here’s to praying we all find a little more balance in our days while on our journey to forever with our God. God Bless, my friend!


  4. God’s been keeping me on my knees. Please keep my family in your frequent prayers, even ask your prayer warrior friends. Serious issues with a child that I don’t want to post online. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I checked the verse again and I found its Martha who owned the home. I am also called Martha.Martha and Mary have been confusing me but from today I will remember that she owned the home and opened her house for Jesus.

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  6. I had to chuckle when you said you’re not ready for the year to end because God’s new year just started Saturday (Exo. 12:3). I like reading your posts because they sound so “you” and “real” and because you share thoughts with Scripture backing. My wife and I were just talking about Mary and Martha yesterday, with the added factor that she is called Mary! She does choose the good part.

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  7. How true that we can’t relegate our God-time to a task! I think it’s really important to add it to our schedule, though, so we don’t get so wrapped up in the tasks that we don’t have time for Him. Schedule time to just sit and enjoy the new life He gives us in this season, too! Love your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

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