Hey Friends, how are you today? We’re in October, can you believe it? October! Wasn’t it just a few months ago, we talked about our plans for the New Year and our word for the year? October is here, friends, and it’s almost time to begin planning for 2019.  Remember, to write the plans in pencil, so that the Lord can make the necessary adjustments.  I know it’s hard to believe, although it shouldn’t be at this point because we’ve had so many reminders, but we can’t control every circumstance and every person because we don’t know everything.  Hopefully by now, we get there faster than we did at the beginning of 2018.  It’s October, friends, and too soon Christmas will be here.  I love Christmas, it’s my favorite, favorite holiday in the year.  Most people are friendlier and more generous.  But before we get to Christmas, we have October and most importantly, we have today.  Psalm118 24Sometimes I get so busy making plans that I fail to live life fully, today.  Have you ever done that? There is very little intentionality in the activities and events on this day.  Sometimes, the day comes to a close and I can hardly remember what I did.  I sometimes, perform like a robot; my coffee cup literally reads, “I love you more than coffee, just not before coffee”.  At times, that mechanical behavior stays with me until I am jolted from it.  Usually it takes the very obviously, visible log to slow me down.  Ps. 73 2There’s just so much to be done, right? Work, home, family and friends consume so much of our time that it’s hard to see anything beyond that. Even our prayer and devotional life becomes mechanical.  What did you do in January? Can you remember? I can’t.  I know it was cold, but then it’s always cold in January. What about February? What about August? Life takes over, and it takes being intentional with our time to make each day count for something.  ii-peter-3-1The Lord desires for us to live life, that’s why He placed work, home, family and friends into our lives.  But we were never meant to be so busy that we perform as robots.  Can you remember the passage of scripture you read this morning? Did you even have time for your devotions?  ps 24 1Today is a beautiful day.  It is thundering and raining, the ground is saturated and the rain water is beginning to settle and form puddles.  The clouds are dark and overcast and most of the birds and animals have taken shelter.  But of course my cat, Jazz, decides today is a perfect to make a break for it.  I thought cats did not like water.  This one seems to love it. My husband is singing Travis Greene’s songs at the top of his lungs.  I think he knows in this album; Here For You.  Ps 150 9While at the True Woman Conference, Dannah Gresh talked about her love for Psalm 130.  I decided to read this passage of scripture this morning and I understand now, her love for this Psalm. It’s a beautiful one with only eight verses.  Read it for yourself and join me in memorizing these verses before the year comes to an end.  Hebrews 4 12 Live life, friends, and let’s choose to be intentional with way we live it. Let’s choose to laugh more, let’s love harder, let’s use encouraging and edifying wordsclosing1brenda

50 responses to “DO I REALLY ACT LIKE A ROBOT?”

  1. Christmas is my best holiday too☺
    And yes sometimes I act like a robot because I’m too busy obsessing over the future
    I’ll learn to live life to the fullest
    Thanks for this wonderful post

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love this post as it reminds us to wake up instead of just sleep walking through life and going through the motions. So much depends upon our attitude and state of mind in any day. Life flies by and is on the wings but we need to remember this day is all we have and do the best we can to live it well and open to the presence of Divinity in everything. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Great Post! I know for a fact I can’t remember what went on in January and the rest of the months either – they all seemed to go sooooo fast! Someone put on facebook the other day, “September last all bout 2 hours” that tickled me because it definitely sure felt like it. I like when you said that we need to be intentional about things – which is so true, are we really stopping and smelling the flowers? Life can and will take over if we let it, which is why we have to acknowledge God in everything we do in which sometimes feel like a struggle trying to keep him first and apart of our daily activities. I’m going to read Psalm 130 too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ahhh, the abundant life, for which we were created to live in relationship, with the Father…I once heard the following quote at a conference;
    “If you are too busy for God, then you are far busier than God wants you to be!”

    I can’t remember the speaker’s name now as it’s 34 years ago but it stuck with me 😀
    Blessings Brenda,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved the picture you painted of a moment from your life today…I felt like I was there. I know for me sometimes it’s just I want my day at work to be done so I can go home that I forget to live in the moment and really enjoy teaching. I remember commenting “I just want the weekend to be here and someone wise once answered back, “Don’t wish your life away!’ As I was reading I kept thinking about that. Great post!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Amen! Our oldest is turning 12 today and all I can see is the passing of time. It all goes so quickly (I swear she was just born yesterday…) and we are all too often caught up in the busy-ness that we forget to slow down. Thank you for the reminder to do just that! Especially today 🙂 God Bless!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Praise the Lord, in what seems like just a blink they are off to college. What’s our legacy going to be; depending on a schedule to live life, stress or anxiety or intentionally running after the Lord and finding joy and peace in His presence? We will choose the latter! 👍🏽

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Intentionality is very important to me. I do not want to leave any regrets. I want to hear “well done good and faithful servant” one day. That takes careful intent.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. BEfore Christmas is October and before the end of the month is Today! thanks, Brenda – life can swish by when all I look at is my To do list. Happy Fall in all He gives (will write in pencil as soon as I find one…)

    Liked by 2 people

    • 🤣🤣🤣 find one quickly 😂 I usually live my life from its ‘to do list’. The Lord grabs my attention by allowing the difficulty which forces me to look up away from my list. 😂 every day is an opportunity to do better


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