II Chron 7 14Did you know we could talk WITH God? Sometimes, I forget that prayer is talking WITH God, Himself! Many of us would prefer talking TO God. Perhaps some of us enjoy talking ABOUT God.  But God has granted us direct access to Himself! Isn’t that amazing? The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords has given us, mere mortals; a communication link. He has made it possible for us to come into His very Presence.  Do you know my God?  Is 40 12This isn’t an opportunity to be taken lightly.  But talking WITH God is a bit more involved than talking TO God.  Prayer is like having a conversation, except we are communicating with the Almighty, All-Powerful God. There is the implication that the parties involved in a conversation are talking and listening. Do you know the Lord is a great Listener? He is a wonderful Secret Keeper. Unlike many other listeners, He can actually do something about the trials, we may be facing.  I want that God! Is 46 9What part do I play in this two-way conversation? Well, glad you ask!!  He expects us to listen, while He is speaking.  That’s part of the conversation; He speaks when we read His Word. As a matter of fact, He tells us about Himself and He tells us about us! No one knows us better than the Lord, not even ourselves! When we pray, we build a relationship with God.  He talks, we talk back. He listens, we also listen.  When we are still and allow Him to speak, we get to know Him, He already knows everything about us; He is our Creator! We become more knowledgeable about His ways, His standards.  Prayer prepares us to learn more about His expectations.  When we talk, we ask for forgiveness, we offer thanksgiving and we bring our numerous requests before a Caring God.  One who makes a difference!   This two-way conversation called prayer grows us spiritually, teaches us to trust, gives us hope, sends peace and joy and provides rest for our soul. Why then do we hesitate when it is time to pray?  I Jn 1 9

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have taken the time to follow the blog.  I am humbled by your comments and likes on the posts.  May the Lord be honored on this adventure.

Have a blessed day and remember: God’s love is unfailing, unwavering and unconditional.

Do you find it easy to talk to God?  What does your time with the Lord look like?  What do you use?

74 responses to “ME… PRAY?”

  1. What a great reminder that prayer isn’t just talking to God, but listening for His voice, too! Sometimes I struggle with the balance of the intimacy we can have with God versus treating Him with the awe and fear He deserves. It’s so amazing that we can talk with the God of the universe! Visiting from #DestinationInspiration. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So often I pray when I am walking and pushing my daughter in the stroller when we are on the way to somewhere. I just speak to the Lord out loud and boldly approach His throne. I live in Budapest, Hungary and am pretty sure my neighbors out and about in our part of town recognize me as the crazy American who is always talking to herself!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • 😁😂😂I totally understand 😂sometimes when I think I have the house to myself, I pray out loud! Then my husband surprises me by coming home early, but he already know what to expect, when I have the house to myself. Thanks 🙏🏽 for commenting


  3. So good! I’ve gotten into the habit of speaking to God first thing in the morning thanking Him for another day, a fresh start. Somehow I have also found joy praying while driving with no noise and just speaking out loud. He really does answer our questions and needs through scripture. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I loved reading this post and I feel that you hit the nail on the head when you said so many things, but one in particular that I am finding out after way too long: that He often answers our questions or gives advice to our troubles that we pray about to him is with His Word! I feel like I have heard him through so many different ways through my life but the way that we more clearly do I understand is most often for us in scripture. The timing is always perfect…just like finding your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Learning to talk with God has been a journey. Now I talk with God all through the day and night (when I’m awake, of course).😜
    I use my large print Bible with cross references; they are so helpful in tying the Bible together!
    I also often use a sample prayer of confession that I wrote with supporting Scriptures. The Lord uses the more generalized sins on the prayer to remind me of specific things I need to confess to come clean and get back in closer fellowship with Him.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I having been praying for a strengthening in my prayer life. I feel like I could be praying harder – more with God instead of to … if that makes sense…. more deeply and seriously tell God whst it is that’s on my heart … I mean I’m sure he already knows that. But he is always speaking and I feel at times like I’m not utilizing that FREE two way communication fully. But he is truly our best secret keeper and transparency with him allows us to have growth and a deeper relationship with him. He knows it all and how to heal and answer all.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I talk TO God all day long! I find it more challenging to listen for His still, small voice. Even so, He is patient with me, and He does speak to me through His word, and through others. Sometimes I think He even speaks to me through blog posts! 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Good point…God truly wants a relationship with us so we can talk WITH him (not just to, at, or about him)! I gotta remember to be still and listen to the Spirit’s quiet voice 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  9. I find it easy to talk to God, but I find it hard to find the time. Onething I do do in the morning is on my way to work listen to praise and worship music. It’s my way to meditate in my head, be thankful, cry if I need to, and worship. Once I’m there before getting out I pray in my car. Do I need to pray more and have my private time with God ? Of course! Something I need to definitely work on some more.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Oh yes, I love the way our God meets us when we ask Him to take us on this daily adventure of communion with Him. Even here, He met me so specifically with one of the Scriptures you shared. Isaiah 40:12 is one of the verses the Lord had given me for my Grandson at his birth several years ago. And just today I had been praying for him to grow in God’s grace. And there was his verse! What a gift when the Lord confirms His presence and His working in our lives. Such a gift of praying with Him! Thank you for sharing His heart here today!

    Liked by 6 people

  11. It’s been recent that I’ve been speaking with God versus to God. Speaking with Him allows me to hear what he has to say to me. When I talk to him, I let myself soak in his presence to feel his love and grace.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Thank you for this article and I love the thought that God is our best Secret Keeper! I love that there’s a place to go where we can confide in Someone who knows all the answers and can take care of any problem we face. Listening in prayer is so important. Thank you for this reminder today!

    Liked by 5 people

  13. My prayer life really is this ongoing conversation. I have quiet time with the Lord, and just really ask Him to show me what He wants to teach me, but then I’m talking with Him all day long: asking, sharing, confessing, waiting, listening, and relying on Him. I can’t imagine how anyone survives a day without relationship with God. He’s my best friend.

    Liked by 7 people

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