Hi, my name is Brenda.  I am a Christian first,  a wife (of twenty eight years, to God be the glory!)to a wonderful, amazing man.  A mom to two beautiful girls who were homeschooled, a daughter, a sister and a friend and a teacher

Why ‘becoming His tapestry?’  The answer is quite simple actually… Because that is my goal, that is the prize! I want to be my Lord and Savior’s tapestry. But for now, I am becoming…. I am in the process of becoming, of allowing my Master to weave the various threads of my life into His Masterpiece. Here are a few of these threads,my love for the Lord,  my love for my family, my love for homeschool (I enjoy spending time with my girls), my love for… shhhhhhh…fashion, beauty and shopping. The purpose of this blog is to bring the Lord glory by sharing with you, tidbits of my life, to encourage and edify you as we journey  along  this path called life.