Hey friends, how are you today? Today is another beautiful day in our neighborhood.  We started the day quite chilly, there was frost on the grass, because we began the morning with 28°. But things are looking up throughout the day because our temperature rises to a fabulous 63°.   Praise the Lord of Heaven! Can you believe we are almost at the end of four months into our new year? The end of April is just four days away and then the best month of the year is here. Time is ticking… ticking… ticking…away.  Can you hear it? 

Lately, I’ve been hearing the ticks of the time clock, especially as I get ready to celebrate another year around the sun.  Birthdays are special to me.  It is the day the Lord choose for my entrance into this world, He wrote that day down where my name was already written.  

My friend, singer, and songwriter, Mandisa died last week, and my heart broke a little. Although, I never knew her personally, I felt like I did because I absolutely loved her music.  She was my jam, especially during my runs, she was 47 years.  Her absence will be felt and on days like these, the time clock ticks louder.   I know she is with the Lord and therein lies our Hope. 

While the breath of life lies in my body, I choose to make everyday special because the God of Heaven is my hope and my joy and my peace and my life.  But during the month of May, I chose to celebrate each day intentionally because the Lord has blessed me abundantly. 

While I dither and ‘darther’ over life’s choices, those I can’t undo and those that are not yet, the time clock ticks on, only looking forward.  I choose today, I choose life, but not just ‘mere’ life.  I choose abundant life.  

Everyday, beginning now and during the month of May, I choose to intentionally spend time with the Lord (which I’ve been doing) and write in my prayer journal (do better).  Here are 10 other activities I commit to during my birthday month.

  1. Walk everyday with the purpose of speaking to strangers and enjoying nature. (I like people, they are weird, don’t you think?
  2. Take photos on these walks. (Not of the same things, Brenda.  Look up or down or even sideways… just not of the same things).  
  3. Exercise 5-6 days a week. (Lord…send help). 
  4. Enjoy a slice of red velvet cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. (Hmmm… I can already taste it).
  5. Read a book, any book. (I’m leaning toward a romance… yes… I am that girl, and I’m not ashamed)
  6. Call someone I’ve not spoken to in a while (I have a lot of someone(s).  Life is busy unfortunately.
  7. Watch a TV series (probably Bridgeton).  Did you know I read most of her (Julia Quinn) books back in the 90(s)? Now you know…
  8. Go to a nail salon and have my nails ‘over the top’ done in a fabulous color.  (Maybe… I do like basic). 
  9. Thrift… (maybe… I really need to cut back) … yes… definitely go thrifting.)  Life is for living.
  10. Cajole my girls into going golfing with me, my husband enjoys the game with me, but I want the girls.    (They don’t like to golf, but it’s my birthday, so they don’t really have a choice.)  Life is good.

We’ll have the other 10 activities next week.  But first I would consider it an honor for you to join me on a month-long birthday party.  Since I expect you to join me on this celebration of life, we all begin by spending time with the Lord, in His Word and in prayer.  We commit to also praying for each other.  

What are some things other activities you want to do, as we celebrate? Share in the comment section and I will include it in next Friday’s blog post.  

Have time? Missed the last post? Read it here.

Check me out on Instagram. Let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Follow my Instagram and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section. I would love to meet you 🙂

41 responses to “10 WAYS YOU CAN CELEBRATE WITH ME”

  1. Well, Happy Birthday to you! 🙂 Look at that! 5.5K suscribers! What a blessing you are. We have two May babies in our family too.
    My intentions this month: Get up earlier so the kids are still sleeping when I have my alone time with the Lord, Deep clean 2 rooms, finish reading the big, fat Billy Graham biography 😀 , complete 1/4 of the book I am writing, accomplish 1/2 of the homeopathy class I am taking, try to donate to the thrift shop instead of buying, complete our home-school year strong! And if I can do more, great, but give myself grace.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are so wise, Brenda, to write down your intentions for the month of May. According to the experts, they’re much more likely to happen as a result. You’ve inspired me to do the same, although my list will be shorter–not sure I can accomplish as many items as you’ve aspired to! I’ve already go two coffee dates on the calendar, with two different friends. I need to write in: a date or two with my husband (I like Deeds’ idea above of a mini-trip adventure), sit out on the deck as much as weather permits, for quiet time in the morning and blog-commenting in the afternoon. (That’s where I am right now, so I’m off to a good start!), and experiment with a new app called Merlin that identifies birds by their call. That should be fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I will have to download that app, Siri is no help at all. Thanks for sharing ❤️ I love the min adventures too, we’re going on a local adventure on Saturday (if the Lord spares). I love the mini dates too, I didn’t think about that. Great ideas 💡 thanks for sharing

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, Happy Birthday, Brenda! Anita and I will visit Palm Desert this summer with my sister-in-law and I’ll blog it after we’re back.
    Have a wonderful month (and let the girls win at part of the game; they might be willing to come back to see if they can beat Mama!🤠
    You are already in my daily prayers, dear sister.😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy Birthday Month!! #6-I’m right there with you because I need to get back in the saddle with my fitness journey! And I love the idea of celebrating your birthday with you by praying for each other. I can tell the Joy of the Lord truly is your strength! 😀 Can’t wait to see everyone’s ideas next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I will celebrate with you. As you said, celebrate each day intentionally because the Lord has blessed me abundantly. I will be celebrating by praying, walking, exercising, and trying to remember to relax and enjoy each day. Have a wonderful birthday month! 💖🎂🌺

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I can definitely relate to #4 and #3 or should it be #3 and then #4? That’s my favorite from the Cheesecake Factory, at least so far, to be fair I haven’t tried them all. At $10.00 a pop. I prefer sticking to a guarantee, right? You should look up on YT – “I like turtles kid”. There’s a video from sixteen years ago AND last year were he came back and did the same thing. Super funny.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love your turtle photos!

    I will celebrate with you in May: I will go on more afternoon walks; I will spend more time with friends; I will continue my morning time with God, in which I delight; I will rejoice in springtime and all God gives us; I will go on more dates with my husband; and I will visit my mom & sister.

    Godspeed in your birthday month!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The sound of time ticking has also been at the forefront of my mind.

    Adventures! That’s what keeps me going. It gives me something to be excited about and look forward to. Adventuring with my hubby whether it is a drive on the back roads near where we live or traveling to another state, taking the scenic route, hiking through the woods, watching the sunset, chasing storms or rainbows, these are the adventures that celebrate life for me. Oh how I’m need of another adventure, life has been way too busy!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I want to listen to the songs of the birds and reflect on God’s provision for them. Thank you for a great post, Brenda. Mandisa is a favorite of mine, too. We are blessed to have her music to remind us of how much she loved the Lord and that we will be able to sing with her in heaven!

    Liked by 2 people

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