Hey friends, how are you today? How was your weekend? We’ve been good over here, in my neck of the woods, although I was a bit under the weather on Friday.  I feel much better now, thank the Lord. I don’t like to feel ill. Huh! It just occurred to me, that I really do not appreciate hitches in my day.  I had plans for that day, part of that plan was to publish a post (I really should write the posts before the day; sometimes I get it right, but most times, I do not).  But unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately my bed and a book were my welcome partners for the day, although I did enjoy the attention and pampering, I also received from the family.  But I must admit, I love new days though; new days bring hope.  It’s says things will be better today.  New days come with brand new opportunities and blessings, just perfect for the day.  Oh, the beauty of new days, filled with new mercies and new grace, thank You, Lord. 

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love…” these are pretty much the only words I know of this song by the same name, by Jackie Deshannon. Therefore, I decided to, of course, do what any normal and modern 21st century woman would do and Goggle the words.  These are the words of the chorus; 

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.

Secular, but a good song, don’t you think? I think being cooped for so many months have disturbed the minds of some people, which is so unfortunate.  Usually those closest to us suffer the repercussions of a disturbed mind.  Our world seemed to come from one war, straight into another and now back to where we began.  Yes… we can certainly use love at this moment.  But not just any kind of ‘love’ will be able to handle the sufferings of this world.  Special, unique, beautiful people made in the image of God and found worthy in His sight need special, unique, beautiful and perfect love.  Except that Love, we are so very desperately in need of, can’t be found in the arms of human beings.  

Do you love me? Do I love you? We hear these words all the time, ‘I love you’.  But are we truly loved? Can ‘mere man’ really love another? I think we’ve distorted that word along the way.  I do believe we think we are capable of expending true love.  

Why are most people loved?

Because they are generous 

Because they love first

Because they are kind and compassionate and polite

Can someone be loved if they’re not known? Do you need to know me to love me? Does the world really need more of this human love? I believe they can do with less of it, don’t you? The problem with the world is Christians.  We have neglected to apply the Word of God to our lives.  We’ve allowed the world to dictate our steps. We’ve allowed the world to define love in order to justify the way we love.  We love not as the Father loves us, but as we’ve been humanly loved.  That was never the standard, was it? Even among us as Christians there is strife and disharmony.  

Do we know the God of the Universe? Do we have a relationship with Him? Then we know Love, don’t we? He IS LOVE; our God is Love.  When there is an existence of Love in our lives, because we know the Lord as our Savior; When there is an overflowing of the love of God in us; when there is an acceptance of that Love made possible due to our surrender to His Holy Spirit; when we walk confidently in that love because we know Him, only then we are able to love in spite of.  

In spite of cruelty shown to us

In spite of the ungratefulness of others

In spite of outward appearance 

In spite of the ugly in some 

In spite of the hate they may demonstrate 

In spite of lack of knowledge about them

We can give love, we can show love, we can be love because we Know LOVE, because we have been shown love, because we have been given love in abundance.  The world needs that love, they need to know that Love does exist. Let us learn to love the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our might, then we can love others unwaveringly, unconditionally (Matthew 22:37-39).  We love the Lord first, then we can love others, until then, the love we give to others will always be sub-standard.  Let’s go on this journey to love others as we’ve been loved, perhaps then we will see a difference in the world.

What plans do you have for this new day?

Let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Follow my Instagram and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section. I would love to meet you 🙂

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37 responses to “DEFINITION OF LOVE”

  1. The reminder of a heart warming secular song ❤️love this friend!! Your post stirs me to leave a comment ..and then spend time in prayer focusing on His great love for me and my need to love others in the same way He loves us all!
    Thank you for your inspirational post❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow, Brenda, you knocked that one out with power!
    “The problem with the world is Christians….” and then you back it up. Whump! God’s Holy Spirit moves in each of His people. We are responsible for being obedient in thought, word, action, and attitude. THAT’s how people know we are Christian – by our love: first our love for God, and then, by the power of His Spirit, our love for one another. We have allowed our minds and actions to be contaminated with the mores and delights of this world, and it’s a shame.
    May we seriously repent and fall on our knees before Almighty God.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. My plan for this day was that we (my husband, daughter and I) would get the house clean. We’re nearly there. I am taking a break for a few minutes before washing the last bathroom floor. Then we are done and the house will look and spell clean. Yeah!! I 💗 a clean house!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. God’s love is always the answer, and I’m so blessed that He gives us His Word to show us how to share that love. He gives us His Spirit to change our thoughts, renew, our minds, and shine His light through us to a dark and hurting world. Praise God! His love is always the answer. Thank you for reminding us of that.

    Liked by 2 people

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