Hey friends, how are you doing today? How has your summer been so far? Busy? Chaotic? Deliberate? Effective? Hectic? Fantastic? I could go on and on with the adjectives, but I think you understand. Really, how are you doing? Did you undertake anything new this summer?

In a few days, my husband and I will attend the Great NY State Fair. In the past, we attended this event primarily because of the girls.ย ย Oh, they love this, they are disappointed every year, because they leave the week before the fair.ย ย We wonโ€™t let them know, but Iโ€™m grinning on the inside. Yes! Finally, we can attend as adults; attend when we want and leave when we want to.ย ย Sweet privileges, I will never take for granted again.ย ย Usually, I do not like crowds, I donโ€™t like the noise, and I donโ€™t like heights. The Fairโ€™s producers regularly expect more than a million people over a period of about thirteen days.ย ย Did I say, I donโ€™t like crowds? Normally I mentally gear up because I know we will spend most of the day at the fair.ย ย When they were younger, it was the rides and the animals. I tried to make it as homeschool friendly as possible (parents, you know we have to make these hours count for something). As they became older, it was about the rides and it slowly drifted to the eventโ€™s performers which was always in the evening. But now, itโ€™s just my sweetheart and I and we most certainly will enjoy every minute of it.ย ย I’m sure it probably has absolutely NOTHING to do with the kids, right? Whatโ€™s your favorite thing to do at such an event?

Itโ€™s an absolutely beautiful day, today in my neck of the woods.  Itโ€™s so easy to miss days like these. Itโ€™s a bit cool, but truthfully, I like this temperature of 70ยฐ. The sun is out with big, beautiful, fluffy, thick, white clouds. Every tree is still holding on to its greenery. The cicadas are singing their summer song, with the butterflies making an occasional appearance, as they too try to hold on to summer.  I am taking a few minutes to sit outside and listen to creation, after all, creation speaks, does it not? Creation says, โ€œlook up, child, look upโ€. Too soon, this too shall pass.  

Take with me, this opportunity to worship with creation, the Creator God.ย ย Believe it or not, the world needs us to show them how to rest. Deep breath; give the worries away to the only One, Who can actually do something about it.ย ย Talk to the Lord, tell Him everything; yes, He already knows, but prayer is actually for you and me.ย ย Prayer helps us to mentally and emotionally give over the troubles. It helps us to identify the people and the circumstances that needs the Lordโ€™s attention.ย ย Remember, itโ€™s not at all selfish to talk to Him about you and your needs and your desires, but while in His presence, donโ€™t forget about me and them.ย ย 

How can I pray for you?

Let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Follow my Instagram and I will follow back, just let me know in the comment section.

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27 responses to “TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT,… I’M LISTENING”

  1. Ahhh this was so refreshing to read! Great reminder to enjoy creation!

    I enjoy viewing the exhibits crafted by the 4Hers when I attend fair..itโ€™s unbelievable how talented these kids are with some of their projects. I realize some of them probably get help from their folks but even then I donโ€™t mind because the thought of family time that took place during that process warms my heart and Iโ€™m sure makes for sweet memories for both the child and parent alike.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Brenda,
    I’m unsure what you mean by a state fair? We have regional shows here in Australia that have rides, sideshows, regional produce, baking, sewing, craft, livestock, shearing, horseriding & wood chopping demos & comps. Is that what you mean? ๐Ÿ˜€
    Bless you,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We are just home from our 2-week trip tonight. It was a great and wonderful trip, with family reunion, Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, more family time — God is so good!
    But God took care of our home while we were away, and we are grateful for that, too.
    We get to sleep in our own bed tonight. Such sweet blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It is so hot in TX…, even my friends who love our hot summers are saying enough is enough. 105-107 heat index and no breeze…, Our sweat is sweating! What have I learned this summer? We have a third great-grandbaby on the way and itโ€™s a boy! We have two precious girls so the family is excited with this news. I also learned if you donโ€™t have someone younger to stand with you for all things medical as you age, you are in a heap of trouble! Most important I learned no matter how hard I work to take control things always end up better when I surrender to the Lord.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ โ€˜sweat is sweatingโ€™ you crack me up ๐Ÿ˜‚ Amen ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ on these lessons, very valuable indeed, especially the last one. Congratulations ๐ŸŽˆ on the new baby boy, what a blessing!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I am definitely enjoying the cooler than normal August here. We are in the 70s and low 80s this week. It is usually in the 90s here until mid September. Enjoy the fair little sister. Did you change your mind about me cooking in your kitchen? haha ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Enjoy the state fair. I usually avoid them because I donโ€™t like crowds, but when I have gone in the past, I enjoyed the cooking contest winners, especially the inventive kinds of pies.

    Liked by 1 person

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