Hello Friends, how are you today? How was your week? My windows have had to be kept closed, most of this week, because it has been so chilly in the mornings, right now it is 43ยฐ.ย  The local meteorologist forecasted a sunny day, but I am losing faith in their predictions. It has been dark, cloudy and rainy all week long.ย  I am ready for the sun to come out and play for a while.ย  Hopefully, today is the day.ย  Are you a โ€˜weather controls my moodโ€™ person? I must admit, I am trying to change that about me.ย ย ย Eccl 3 1Do you like change? Perhaps, like me, you may say, โ€œit depends on the changeโ€. I donโ€™t always like change, especially unexpected changes.ย  I like sameness because sameness provides the illusion of safety, comfort and security. The truth is friends, security, comfort and safety isnโ€™t found in our circumstances or our family or friends. I once read; โ€˜safety isnโ€™t the absence of danger, but rather, the presence of Godโ€.ย  The truth is change is inevitable and usually change is good for us.ย  Changes force us to run faster to the Lord,ย especially when we itโ€™s unexpected.ย  Change can result in beauty when we fall at the feet of our Lord and surrender to Him.ย  Changes can halt our headlong rush into great danger because weโ€™ve taken our eyes off the Lord.psalm121-3In my life, the changes have been plentiful and necessary. I get comfortable very quickly.ย  I have the tendency to set roots that go deep, whether itโ€™s with people or places or my circumstances. I begin to place my trust in things outside of God and my God will not share His space with anything or anyone.ย  He does not change, but He will cause the change that will bring back that eternal peace and joy and happiness and love that I left behind in my desire to be worldly comfortable.ย  Do you welcome change?ย 20F6748D-0246-4153-BF24-BFB40915E75A9F8D024E-6C7C-472E-8F22-350FBC0D3F917ABF0945-3AFD-45DC-BF2F-56EEC0204825F9CB17C4-3EE4-4EBA-B0B0-A0DE4F718C48515C49A7-ED89-4ABF-98EF-D9E4498722DFA0061236-8A5A-46A8-9F93-3BDC08349757Change can bring assurance that our God is mighty and great and powerful. Change can allow us to see the faithfulness and grace and mercy of our Great God. What changes have taken place in your life?closing1brenda

50 responses to “THE COLORS OF CHANGE”

  1. I am the type that I force myself to love situations that I can’t change or won’t soon end, so change is hard for me sometimes because even if I initially didn’t like it, I’ve probably learned to. And , like you, I find something that feels solid, like one good friend; and I set my roots deep. I’m such an empath and get so entangled in others woes that I often forget I’M NOT GOD. I can roll with the tides of changing finances. But stir up my relationships and I suddenly show my Faith’s weakness.

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  2. Ahhhh….change. Can I say that it is much easier for me to experience changes in my circumstances than it is for me to see my kids go through them? God has brought me through so much in my life that I trust Him so much and I see His hand in everything.

    My kids, a different story. I have to remember to let God be God in their life and NOT to take their lessons and provisions away from Him. How will they grow to depend on their Father if I step in?? I pray for discernment and wisdom a lot in relation to my teenage and adult daughters!! All the glory to God! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great message as always, my friend!

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  3. Your pictures are beautiful. Change seems to be a part of my life. This latest change – moving from one state to another – downsizing from 9-room house to 5-room house – leaving all the familiar for the unknown. But I think I thrive on change – I get bored when things remain the same all the time. So for me – change is good.

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  4. Gorgeous photos! I love the changing seasons. I also like your quote about safety, Brenda ๐Ÿ™‚ Sometimes we fear change because of the unknown but change stretches us in new directions.

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  5. Glory Be To God Almighty!! I first would like to say, I enjoy the cold weather. The sunny moments are very nice, but here in Tx. It is passed sunny, It is very hot to where it’s not really good for me personally. When I do get out it has to be very early in the mornings, am I get out and get back out of it. I even enjoy the rain, thunder. I love listening to the rain coming down hitting the rooftops, and my windows. I love those beautiful scenes that you have shared with us. It reminds me when I use to live out in the country. Changes I do agree that changes are really good. For me it is, I have seen the changes in my own life, the good and not so good, but still, there is a reason and a purpose for the changes. It was a change that brought me toward Jesus Christ because. I too was too comfortable and caught up with the things of this world. God had to get my attention. And to be honest I’m truly thankful He did. I couldn’t understand it then, but I do understand now. I could talk more and more about it. What you have shared here with us, is the truth. Thank you for sharing, God continues blessing your steps. ((Hugs)) you and your family have a blessed weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  6. I love the colors and the water in your pictures!
    And this: “safety isnโ€™t the absence of danger, but rather, the presence of God” – so good, so true! How comforting to be in the arms of our God! Bless you for a cozy message today of our security and beauty.

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  7. Change is interesting isn’t it, only if we welcome it do we we enjoy it.
    The weather doesn’t change my mood I am one of those annoying optimists lol! ๐Ÿ˜€
    But weather changes do affect the pain levels in my body with FM…so that’s a constant, weather constantly changes!
    I do love the changing colors of the seasons though ๐Ÿ˜€ just breathtakingly beautiful is our God’s creation! It’s spring here in Australia with magnificent colors!
    Blessings to you Brenda,

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  8. Beautiful, truthful words and lovely photos. Everything you said is right on. No, I don’t like change unless it’s my idea. It’s still hot in Texas, over 90 degrees today, but that doesn’t mean other things don’t change after September. Like back to school and thoughts of holiday planning and end of year issues. I especially do not like shorter days. I need sunshine! It’s been raining a lot here, but not as much as y’all have got. I’m struggling to adapt to all this , as usual. Oh well. God will get me through again!

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  9. Sometimes change is the very thing we need most, but are the most reluctant to allow. But God… Hebknows when how, why and how much, and He is good all the time!

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  10. Yes I tend to be a weather-makes-my-mood! I love the patter of rain on the roof, snuggled in a cozy blanket, but after a few days of it, am ready for it to head on somewhere else!! Lol. I prefer the sunnier weather. Beautiful pictures along the river. I love how there’s a glimmer of the sun in all of them!

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  11. Change is assured in life, isn’t it? I sometimes forget to cling to God in the midst of it, and boy, that’s a tumultous time. But HIs strength has a way of leading us successfully through change. Love those fall colors, although I might mourn summer a bit longer. ๐Ÿ™‚ #fuelyourfaith

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  12. Awesome message and beautiful pictures! Fall time in the East is gorgeous! Regarding change, my life has been nothing but change since I was diagnosed with Celiac in 2012. I would not have made it through without the Lord. I was clinging to Him every step of the way, and I still am! God bless!

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  13. These past couple of post have been my life in writing. Right now its like God is speaking to me through you, i have your post on my notifications. I have had dreams of things changing, I know change is necessary but its hard I know I’m young and have alot more to go through. Its just this year has had so many changes and I cant help but feel most of them are because they were situations I put myself in and Gods pulling me out of them.

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  14. It depends on the change, lol ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love fall, so I am not minding this change! However…I am trying to work on my dread of winter….to everything there is a season (in this case, literally!). This has been one of my favorite verses since I was a child. If only I could remember to apply it to my life with grace…God Bless!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Amen ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ and thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š I am still learning to accept some changes, especially those I did not put my stamp of approval ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ if only God would ask us first ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I guess we will just have to trust Him

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    • I just told my husband we need to move to CA, because thereโ€™s heat all,year long ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ me too, I like change until itโ€™s something I donโ€™t like ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒbut GOD…


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