Good day friends, how are you today? Today the meteorologist promised an almost 90° day, but the humidity will be rather low because of yesterday’s thunderstorm. Beauty is refined under pressure, isn’t it? I love thunderstorms (of course in the safety of indoors); the lightning and thunder reminds me that I serve the God of the Universe.  When I was younger, I believed that God was rearranging His furniture, probably because that was a task my mom did constantly. She rearranged the furniture in almost every room, from the kitchen to the living room to the bedroom.  Does anyone else do that? I must admit I do.  The placement of the furniture in different locations gives the feeling of newness, which I love.  Eccl 3 1Too bad life does not come with an always ‘sunshine and roses’ guarantee. I would the first in line to receive my pass.  Why must life be fraught with disaster? Who is exempted? Just once I would like to cross all my t’s and dot all my i’s.  Do I really want to ‘count it all joy’ (James 1:2) when trials and tribulations come my way?  James 1 2We recently watched the movie Incredibles. In the first movie, Elasta Girl whines her suspicions about her husband, Bob, to Edna (my favorite character). Edna listens for a while and then suddenly picks a newspaper and commends to hit her with it.  She reminds her of her capabilities; that she is not without help.  Sometimes, I think this is my God.  I complain about my lot in life.  I whine about the heaviness of my load.  I moan about my trials and tribulations. My God listens for a minute and unlike Edna, He leaves the newspaper behind, (sometimes) but He still reminds me that I belong to Him.  He reminds me that it’s the trials and tribulations that define my character. (James 1:2)  He tells me He is making me beautiful (Ecclesiastes 3:11).  Beauty is refined under pressure.  Romans 8 18He reminds me that just as the earth needs the thunderstorms to be green again, so do I need my ‘thunderstorms’ to grow and flourish. He tells me to keep my feet planted in His Word, to  be ‘rooted and built up in Him’.  He tells me to remember WHO HE IS.  He is the ‘Great I Am’. My Sunday school teacher reminded us on Sunday that God never gives us too much to bear and that all He gives us, He Himself, can bear.  So today, I will ‘cast all my ‘trials’ on Him (I Peter 5:7).  I don’t mind complaining to God, He never, ever leaves me there. He always changes my heart.  If I am complaining about someone; He will show me: ME, which is unfortunate because I was really becoming attached to my ‘big’ head.  If I am whining about a thing, He reminds me of the several other ‘things’ for which I can be grateful.   He is making me beautiful. Beauty is refined under pressure.2 Tim 4 7 Let’s not lose hope, my friends.  Let us not lose sight of the prize waiting for us at the finish line.  There is true beauty waiting for each of us.  How are you today?  How can I pray for you?

How can a mere ‘thank you’ for sufficient for your comments, likes and follows? You literally bring a smile to my face every time I read your comments.  I talk about you as if we’ve met.  Believe me when I say, I appreciate you.  Thank you.  



45 responses to “AM I BEAUTIFUL NOW?”

  1. This is so beautiful! “Beauty is refined under pressure,” I love it! It’s so true and amazing how much we grow after a storm, but it’s so hard to be still and wait for what we long for. It’s almost as if we’re always waiting on something. Ugh! You’re amazing! Thank you for your constant wisdom and humility. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Amen! My prayer this past week has been that God will give me His heart, contentment in His will, and take away my insecurities so that He can use me to my fullest potential. I can’t wait. Bring on the beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So good, Brenda! Being in the storm is no fun, but we know God is with us every step of the way, growing us and loving us! Thanks for sharing… plus, Edna is my favourite, too! 😉 Stopping by from #sittingamongfriends

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Brenda, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! It is an award aimed at recognizing new blogging talent and the idea behind it is promoting each other’s blogs. Your blog might not be new, it is definitely worth promoting. You are an awesome and blessed writer. Please find out more about this in my post at: & For more information and official rules on the Liebster Award, please go to:

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Brenda, I love Incredibles and am seeing # 2 with my children this weekend. I needed this reminder from you and Edna that God has equipped me with everything I need to accomplish His purpose for my life. Thank you and God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brenda, what a beautiful, encouraging post! Oh, my mom used to move furniture around all the time. It does give a sense of newness. And I’m so glad we don’t have to be afraid to complain to God, because He knows our hearts anyway and He doesn’t leave us there. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #TuneInThursday.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for ‘dropping by’ Gayl 🙂 I don’t mind complaining to God, He is the Best Friend any of us could ask for, because even as we complain, He reminds us we’ve been there awhile and its time to get over it. He is a good Father

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Uh ✋🏾👋🏾… I rearrange my furniture like once every other month! It absolutely gives me a refreshed perspective of what I own… if I dint I would shop myself into hoardersville, I’d be drowning under knickknacks, cushions and couches!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Great blog post. James 1:1-13. Very encouraging, thanks for the reminder we can pick our self up and try again. We serve an omnipotent God.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Oh Brenda you make me smile! Haha yes! Edna! That’s a good comparison 😁 “You’ve got to pull yourself together!” That’s what she says right?? Yes we absolutely are not without help and sometimes we do need to just pull ourselves together and trust God! 💗

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  10. Brenda, it is proper and right that you should speak of God as making you beautiful, and so you are, and are becoming. I think that additionally God has made us male and female expressly for the purpose of revealing two (many, really) characteristics of His person: beauty and strength. The thunderstorms of life also make us strong: more patient, more determined, more trusting in Him, more enduring, more tough. I enjoy thunderstorms outdoors as long as the lightning is not striking immediately overhead. It speaks of His power as well as His beauty.

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