Psalm 144 15I accepted the Lord as my Savior at a very young age. The Lord became my Anchor in a world that was filled with uncertainty and chaos.  He was the One Person, I could count on.  He was my Provider, my Protector, my Defender, the Lover of my soul; He was my Heavenly Father.  I asked and He provided, sometimes He gave me what I did not know I wanted. He gave me a wonderful husband. (Yep, at the time, I had my life all planned out and marriage had no place in it). But He gave me the best man in the world, so I said okay.  A few years later, we got pregnant. The Lord had answered our prayers.  Almost four months later, we received the most upsetting news. I ran to my Father, I pleaded and begged Him to please save the baby. But He said no, we lost the baby.  My heart was absolutely broken. “How could You do this, Father? You gave me this baby! How could You take it back?”  I was devastated, I just did not understand, why, how, my Father could do this, I thought He loved me.  I was inconsolable.

I reveled in being a child of the King, after all, that made me His princess. (I could do princess). I rejoiced in knowing I could run to my Heavenly Father. In His Presence, I would find safety and rest. He was my Anchor; in Him I found stability and security.

What I should have realized then, (but didn’t until much later), is this; God is more than my Heavenly Father. I must admit, I accepted the Lord as my Savior and gave Him a hat with the words, “Father and Anchor”.  I wanted Him to be my Father and nothing else.  He was my Father and I was His child.   Yes, He is my Anchor, but I had not yet made Him my LORD. He is more than the hats and roles; I tried to pick and choose, for Him. I can’t assign Him a role and say, “stay there”.  I can’t contain Him.   Isaiah 66 1

You see as my LORD and Master, He would have the final say in what goes on my life. I failed to acknowledge Him as LORD, because then, that would make me His servant. In my mind being a servant did not come with any benefits.  I did not want to be a servant. As my LORD, I would have to surrender to His authority. I had not yet understood, but I would learn.  I would understand that His ways are not my ways.  He would help me to learn that His ways are better for me. I would later accept that obedience to my Lord is the key to my happiness.

Now I know He is all and more. My puny brain can’t imagine, mere words can’t be formulated, much less express the depth of my God.   These attributes make up my God.  He is all, all the time.  He is not one without the other.  He is perfect in His love. He is the Sovereign Judge.  He is the Alpha and Omega.  He is the “Great, I am! He is God.Is 46 9

This would not be the only time, my God had to remind me that I can’t assign Him a role and place Him in a box. I afraid He isn’t that kind of god. You can’t get a King without the LORD, you can’t have a Savior without the LORD,.. There would be several opportunities for Him to do so again and again. But thankfully He is gracious and merciful and patient.

Have a blessed day and remember: God’s love is unfailing, unwavering and unconditional.

The cost of our salvation was too great a price for us to live life without thought.  The price was too high to live carelessly.  Let us walk worthy of our calling, in light of the cost.

Does servitude come easily to you? If you sometimes place God in a box, what title did you give Him?  Have you made him Lord of your life?

47 responses to “WHO IS HE?”

  1. Amazing. Thank you for sharing something so personal. My life hasn’t been to far off from yours in many ways. My strength in him has grown and I’ve trusted him above all. Because of that he has given me a life I never thought I could obtain. He is amazing!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I also viewed God as my “Daddy” when I was growing up because my father wasn’t there, and my step father wasn’t interested in the job. It is challenging to us to see, and know, God as all that He is. He is the most loving father, and the most righteous judge. He is caring, and just. He comforts, and disciplines.
    He gives, and He takes away.
    I also had a similar lesson. I lost my baby at 9 weeks after going through ivf, following many surgeries. The pregnancy had been such an answered prayer at the time. The loss had been….well, it was terrible. No words seem the right words to describe it. But there God was…the same as He had always been. Accessible. Hearing. But unexplaining. When faced with what I could not understand, with what my mind could not reckon, I clung to what I did know about God…that He is good. I clung to the knowledge that He loved me, and the loss of my baby, while He was certainly able to prevent it, did not change God’s character, or His affection toward me. It is easy for me to accept what I cannot understand about the LORD because of what I DO understand. Nothing can separate me from his love. Nothing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Amen! The words of a song goes like this, “when you can’t see His hand, trust His heart.” I love that song, it reminds me so much of this verse Romans 8:38,39. What shall separate us from His Love? The answer always causes me to trust. Thanks for sharing this

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes! “He is more than the hats and roles; I tried to pick and choose, for Him. I can’t assign Him a role and say, “stay there”.  I can’t contain Him.” And aren’t we so thankful that we can’t put Him in that box; that He is God and we are not! Wonderful post!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Love this post and how you shared your story and journey authentically. I too received Him as a young child but it wasn’t until my late teens I full surrendered my will and my ways to His will and His way! Thank you so much for sharing from your heart. I am your neighbor at #ImpartingGrace today 🙂

    PS.. if you are looking for another place to link to on Thursday’s I would love if you would consider joining my new linkup #TuneInThursday – it opens Thursday 3am PST and runs through Sunday night. you can find it at debbiekitterman.com/blog (Please feel free to delete the link if you think it inappropriate).

    Liked by 2 people

  5. This is a great post! Several months ago, I realized something similar – that we are servants to the Lord. I feel like I resisted this truth for a long time; something in humans (well, at least me) balks at being thought of as a servant. Popular culture tells us we have to lead, not follow, that we must forge our own path and not let someone else tell us which way to go – and somehow I’d become ashamed to be God’s servant. Which is nuts because I’m a social worker by trade – my spiritual gift is to serve! I practice trying not to lead my own life now. Which also may sound strange but I have a feeling you’ll know what I mean. Thanks so much for your post! I’m glad to have found your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • I totally understand. I think it’s the word, we have an aversion to. Yet the Lord Jesus Himself became a Servant of man to redeem us from our sin. As someone earlier said, why then do we find it so hard to be a servant of God? May the Lord be merciful to us 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I have to say I’m so touched by this.. Personally I had struggles that just made me question why I was serving the God I’m serving… When my father had been in a terrible accident that he had struggled to recover from, I remember praying night and day for my father’s recovery, and when years passed and there was no change, I kind of lost my faith in God, I started getting frustrated with God and just asking him why.. But with time and after some time in fellowship I came to understand that God’s timing is perfect as long as we make him the center of our lives and do everything to please our Lord. Thanks for sharing this..

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Why is it so hard for us to just let God be God? He’s so much better at it anyways! 😉
    Thank you for your transparency – vulnerability is not something we always like to show but our mistakes can be used for good to help others! 💗 Happy Tursday!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Each time i see your post on your belief, i know I’m about to be blessed… I have backslided so many times but the real joy about Christ is the grace of been renewed and not going back to your sins and also allowing him help you through. It’s been good testimony over testimony today for me. I’m proud to say i accept him in my life.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Love, love, love! Thanks for the reminder: Our God can not be contained, He will permeate our lives, if we allow him too. His plan will reign regardless of our participation in it!

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Such a beautiful transparent post you’ve written! I wrestled with God so much in my youth. After years of His pursuit, I finally surrendered at age 16. I experienced supernatural things where I could no longer deny that He existed. However, as a sixteen-year-old, I didn’t want to give up my “fun.” I liked the idea of being saved, but I thought serving God was boring. I didn’t grow up in a religious household, but when I did go to church everything was so legalistic. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Don’t wear this. Don’t say that. This led me to place God into the box as a “punisher.” The love was missing in our relationship. I would only do things because I was afraid of His wrath, not because I loved being His servant. Thankfully, I’ve matured and have come to know God as so much more than the box I placed Him in. But, I must say, placing God into a box is something I need a constant reminder to NOT do.

    Liked by 6 people

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