I wonder what my face says about me? Are we deep thinkers? Do we wear our problems on your face? “Oh woe is me!” Has life only thrown us lemons? Are we pessimists or optimists? Glass half empty, or half full, which is it? Do we have to be reminded to be thankful for and content with what we have, while we pray for our desires? Do we trust the Lord and take Him at His Word, when He says in Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose?

I know, I know, lots of questions, but ponder on them awhile.  What does our ‘resting’ face say about us? “Run! Run like wind,” or does it say, “Well hello there, nice to meet you”.

For those of us who suffer from dry skin, with the tendency to be flaky, throughout the winter season, we may think that smiling may crack our faces.  Well, I have found the solution to our problem. I love the Shiseido line, my face thanks me, every time I use it.  I love the way it makes my face feel, so luxurious and pampered.  I do not wear makeup every day; perhaps just about 2-3 times a week. I use all these products, whenever I do use makeup.

I begin by using an oil based product, like my shea butter mixture, to break down the makeup, especially the mascara (I am a bit heavy handed). Wipe it off, with paper towel or wet cloth. Next I wash my face with the Lacura face care which I buy from Aldi using the Clairosonic Mia 2 to remove the makeup and to exfoliate.  It is very gentle; it does not burn my eyes.  Next I use the Shiseido Benefiance Extra Creamy cleansing Foam.  It is exactly what it says; extra foamy, but not quite as gentle. Then I use this Shiseido creamy cleansing Emulsion. This is a relatively new product, I added to my routine. I do like it; it acts like a moisturizer, while it cleans. Can’t beat that!

After that I use Elizabeth Arden Normal/Dry skin toner.  I have been using this for a few years now.  It is the only toner that does exactly that! It leaves my face feeling great and if there is any residual dirt or makeup left on the skin after all that washing!, it takes it off.  Again this product is relatively new; the Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Balancing Softner Enriched is a lotion in a liquid form. I use a cotton pad to pat it into the skin.  Finally, I use the Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist 24 Night Emulsion. I have said it before and I will say it again.  I love this product!

This a a time intensive routine.  But it is my (me time) pampered routine!  Dry skin be gone! Here I come, without any hesitation, with a ready smile! Happy smiling day, my friend.

Jazz, the cat, made several appearances throughout this post.  She refused to go away, so there she is!  What are your favorite pampered products?

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have taken the time to follow the blog.  I am humbled by your comments and likes on the posts.  May the Lord be honored on this adventure.

Have a blessed day and remember: God’s love is unfailing, unwavering and unconditional!




  1. This is such a great post! And I love your cat LOL 😀 !!!

    I’ve been meaning to get a Clarisonic for ages… it looks like a toothbrush for the face haha 🙂

    Aww, such a sweet beauty post. Thank you for writing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am jealous of your *figured out* skincare routine. I have been working on mine for a while but haven’t yet found one that works. Hats off to you for doing so, and getting so much joy out of it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sweet post, I love the symbolic message, how you tied it together..I use botanical blends Mary Kay face products and I’m in love with coconut oil in place of lotion BUT I’ve also cut out dairy and gluten and I drink lots of water, my psoriasis is almost all cleared up as a result..I’m feeling refreshed and rejuvenated these days!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww haha, such a sweet kitty!! I’m so happy to hear that the Shiseido products are helping you. I’ve been struggling with dry skin this winter, especially my lips and hands, and I’m very happy that mild lip balm and Aveeno lotion are helping! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes, I love how you start the post with the way our face effects other perceptions of who we are. I use Dessert Essence for a lot of my products because I try to do all-natural. However, specifically, for makeup, I use Almay and Clinique. I don’t wear a lot of makeup though so I am not an expert by any means! Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for the reminder to care for our outer bodies especially as we age it requires a little more attention . I read recently that we give God our hearts and try to keep our bodies for ourselves. It all belongs to him and we should care for it to the best of our ability all to reflect the glory of the most high God

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