Hey friends, how are you today? I can’t believe it has been more than two months since the last post.  I don’t even know how that happened.  I wanted some time to celebrate my birthday (which was wonderful, by the way), then it was mothers’ day.  Two weeks later, our first born celebrated her birthday, two weeks after that was hubby’s birthday and a week later was Father’s Day and now, we are here.  Life has been on the go, go, go.


We’ve had the closure of our Awana program at church, I’ve completed my teaching cycle in our Women’s Bible class, we participate in our church’s annual, Old Fashion Revival and we’ve helped with and attended our local Christian radio station (MarsHill Network) women’s conference, which partnered with Revive Our Hearts.  It was absolutely wonderful.  Its theme was ‘At His Feet’ and the main speaker was Erin Davis.  My moment came with these words, from Erin Davis, “if you believed that God absolutely loved you, what would you do?”   


This question would probably not have been so life changing on most given days.  I would have said, “I know the Lord loves me” and go about my business.  But knowledge is only half the solution if I don’t apply that knowledge to my life.  Knowledge becomes just that, if it’s not transferred to my heart, which should transform my life.  ‘Knowledge’, we’ve been told, ‘is power’, but that’s only true, if I believe it.  


The belief in any truth changes the way I think and what I think applies itself to my behavior.  Do I believe that the God of the Universe loves me completely, unfailingly, unwaveringly, unconditionally? I may say “yes, definitely”.  But what do my actions say, I believe?   

Do I believed the Creator God absolutely loves me all the time, in spite of what I do, what I say, the places I go? If I believed that, you would know it, my family would know it, my friends would know it.  The belief of that knowledge is life changing.  The belief of that knowledge, of that truth, would demonstrate itself in what I do, in what I say, in the place I go.  


The love of our Heavenly Father is demonstrative.  It shows itself in what He has done, is doing and continues to do for me.  He didn’t just say the words (or write it down for our reading).  He showed us His love through His creation, through salvation, through the presence of His Holy Spirt, through His forgiveness, through His kindness, His gentleness, His faithfulness, His abiding grace, and mercy.  He demonstrates His love every morning and throughout every day.  

How would they know that I believe the Lord loves me? Glad you ask…

  1. They would know because I will love them unconditionally too.  My love for them would not depend on their actions, on their lack of criticisms. It would not depend on their love for me.
  2. Because I believe in the love of God, it frees me to forgive, even the hard grievous, those that sunk into my soul.  I would have to forgive even these because I am so loved by God.
  3.  I would be kind and gentle to those that are ungrateful and entitled. Without the belief that I am loved and treasured by the God of the universe, I would more likely cut these people from my life, but because of His love, I can be kind.
  4. Humility would be my ever-present cloak. I would place it on my shoulders at the start of everyday and never take it off, no matter the achievements or lack of earthly praise.  
  5. I can have joy and live a peaceful life in spite of my circumstances. Because I know that every life issue is filtered through the loving Hands of God, I can find rest because my life is anchored in Him.


The love of God is not something I deserve; I have done nothing to earn it, nor is that love only for me.  That’s the beauty of God’s love.  It has no meter, warm today and cold tomorrow, it’s not like the weather.  The Lord has enough love to share with several others.  In fact, that love is so big, so wide, so deep it encompasses everyone in the entire world.  He loves you too.  And His love for you is no less than His love for me.  He loves equally.  

I’ve always disliked partiality, although I admit, I don’t mind being on the right side of partiality.  I hate being on the outside looking in, feeling left out, unwanted.  But with the Lord, He shows no more love for this person over that person.  He loves us all the same, but when my eyes are fixed on the blessings of others, I may not believe in that absolute love.  

Fortunately for us, our beliefs do not change the truth.  The truth is God loves us, completely, unconditionally, unwaveringly, unfailingly.  We are loved by the God of the Universe.  Unfortunately for us, change in our lives occurs when we believe that truth for ourselves.  When I know that I know that I believe in the love of God, I will love like He loves, I will forgive as He forgives me, I will be kind and gentle, I will walk with humility, I will live an abundant life.  


But first I have to believe.  Do you believe that God loves you? How do you demonstrate that love? 


  1. “The belief in any truth” is the key to understanding Father’s love for us. If it wasn’t true, Paul says we would be the most miserable and still in our sin! BUT it IS true‼️ Hallelujah!🤠

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for this beautiful post, Brenda. It oozes with the love of God! I’m so happy you’ve had time to celebrate your birthday (happy belated birthday), your hubby, your family, the church,…all of it sounds faith-filled and fun!

    His love for you and your love for him flows through you and reaches all of us. Because of my brain power, as I ponder about how I know he loves me and what do I DO with this love and how? I’d like to repeat all the things you said, ;-)! Not just because I’m feeling tired, but because all you write touches my soul and heart! I feel the same!

    I want others to feel the love he gives me. Yes, Jesus loves us! And I want others to feel that compassion, grace, kindness, and a helping hand. I want to SEE people. I want them to MATTER!! We are all so loved!

    God bless you, sister!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “Knowledge is power, but only if you believe it.” This is going in my devotional journal as soon as I finish this comment, Brenda!
    God has much to share with us, but if we don’t believe He is trustworthy it’s simply an idea. Believing in faith matters! Thankfully, God helps us with this.
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love that you took time for your family, and for your church family. ❤

    Yes, Jesus loves even me! His love for you shines through your words and, I’m sure, through your actions toward others.

    Liked by 1 person

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