Hey friends, how are you today? Although today is cloudy and overcast, I actually love days like this. It means the temperature may not dip too far below freezing, and a great reminder that God loves change. Creation, in its seasons, speaks of this God Who loves change, our temperatures also tell us the same. Thank God, He is a God of change; how thankful I am, for the changes He is making in me. ii cor 3 18
On Saturday, the sun was out in all its glory. The skies were blue and even the few birds left in this tundra were chirping and enjoying the wonder and beauty of the day. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. But no one was outside though; there wasn’t a soul (not even the kids) playing, power walking or even leisurely walking, because it was cold, it was not just cold, it was freezing. 2232738a-f6eb-4059-b5f3-4c2727802c32Everyone knows beautiful days like this say, ‘if you’re smart, you are going to admire us from the inside’. And because we’re smart, we heeded the warnings that come with beautiful days, like this. We stayed indoors; we enjoyed the blues skies and the sunshine with a hot cup of coffee, safe inside our very warm bathrobes. We take deep breaths of the warm circulated air pouring through our vents and say, “thank You, Lord, for the best of our world” (of course we are talking about this very immediate environment). We know that some you are enjoying beautiful, bright, summery days at the beach, playing frisbee, with your friend and family. Well, I am sure that neighbor wished for warmer temperatures, right about now, there she goes all bundled up, taking her dog out for a walk; she should have gotten a cat.ADC2137E-1D8D-40A5-A326-09BC78BC2972
Sometimes, days like these can be very disheartening as well as comforting. The disheartening comes because I long for green trees to go with the blue skies and warmth to go with the sun. I want to run outside, rather than on the treadmill downstairs. I want to hear the kids playing outside not tucked away inside their homes. I guess the reality is; I don’t want what I have; although I knew it was inevitable, still, days like these bring the reminder of beautiful, warm, laughter filled summer days. That’s what I want today. These days also bring comfort, because I know that today could just as easily be a cold, dark, gloomy, blistery kind of day.Phil 4 4 Sometimes, I’m in a betwixt, I can’t decide which description should dominate my feelings, disheartening or comforting. Back and forth and up and down, my feelings go. Shall I choose disheartening or shall I choose to be comforted? Finally, I decided to go with being comforted, for what will disheartening accomplish? Will it bring warmth and green trees back into my world? Will I be suddenly blessed with kids playing and neighbors on their porch? Since this is going to be my world for the next few months, I choose to accept it and be comforted.I Thess 5 18
This brings me to another dilemma; should I just accept my lot with long suffering, while I wait for spring and summer? In my neck of the woods, winter has the tendency to outstay its welcome. Usually she (maybe he) lingers for a good two months longer. Shall I just mope around, while I remind myself that this is ‘CNY after all’? Time is a gift, isn’t it? We all know of at least one person, who left this world, ‘too soon’. Let’s choose to mope for five minutes (okay maybe ten) but then let’s make the conscience decision to do more than just exist. Let’s remember God never makes a mistake, and even our mistakes, He is able to mold and shape into a thing of beauty. Let’s choose to live life abundantly! John 10 10Abundant life is always lived best, when lived according to the plans of the One who came to ‘give us life more abundantly’. Let’s enjoy and bask in the ‘now’ moments, believe it or not, it could always be worse. As a Christian, the best is always yet to come. We are privileged, in that, we can moan our lot to a God, Who listens and brings comfort. And the longer we stay in His presence; somehow, He always brings praise, which leaves us with the song, “How Great is our God”. If we complain about a person, somehow He shows us ourselves, He reminds us, that we are not perfect either’. If we whine about our circumstances, He reminds us that it could always be worse. What then shall we choose? Shall we choose to live life one day at a time? Shall we choose to live life abundantly? Shall we choose the Lord’s plan for our lives? I’ve linked a few blog posts which touches on the subject of change and choices here and here and here.  Check them out.  Today, what shall it be?closing1brenda

44 responses to “BUT WHAT SHALL I CHOOSE?”

  1. Many times we find ourselves in a state of wanting more or wanting things to change. There isn’t anything necessarily wrong with that, however, I am learning to be content with whatever state I am in. It helps me to be more appreciative of where I am and where others may not be. I enjoyed this post Brenda. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brenda – I love all the verses you chose with the backgrounds… I live in the PNW and it has been cold and rainy.. although, I have been out of state caring for my dad and it has been cold and sunny. I long for the days to be a little warmer so I can be outside and not admire the sunshine from the warmth inside. LOL …sorry for the delay in commenting, I am a little behind this week as I was caring for my father. We are neighbors at the #RaRaLinkup

    PS.: if you are looking for another place to link to on Thursday’s I would love if you would consider joining my linkup #TuneInThursday – it opens Thursday 3 am PST and runs through Sunday night. You can find it at debbiekitterman.com/blog

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This was definitely a gentle kick in the pants. I don’t do so well during the Winter months. My body retaliates, my mood subdues, my brain doesn’t want to work right, and I want to hibernate. Simply put, it’s challenging. However, last night because I was feeling so rotten Andrew cleaned the kitchen for me. That’s something to be very thankful for. I know I need to press on. I know I have things to be thankful for. I know God is working on me just as much as He is anyone else. So thanks for the kick in the pants. Keep on sharing what God gives you to share Brenda. He puts it on your heart for good reason. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Praise the Lord. These are good times, because then we become more dependent on the Lord and His goodness and faithfulness,more than on ourselves. The Lord knows it’s always easy to go the easy way 😀😀 we will keep striving


  4. Lovely post! I’m in Florida, and it is a bit chilly here right now, but still only 68°. I still often have to choose a good attitude about my circumstances. 🙂

    P.S. I’m stopping by from the Wise Woman linkup.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. As a side note, I love how transparent you are. I feel connection in so much that you say. And it’s awe-inspiring to think of the changes and transformation God makes in us. Just as the seasons have their purposes and change, so do we. We go through the same shifts and growth and transformation and each of our seasons in life have a purpose. They mold us.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I tell our ladies group all the time; I am not a ‘nice’ person, just ask my children, they may just agree :). But GOD is transforming me into gorgeous, beautiful butterfly. I like that God, yes, yes, I do 🙂 I want to be fabulous, so I will surrender and allow Him to make whatever changes necessary. Well, sometimes, I may struggle a little, but hopefully eventually I will get there 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. “She should have gotten a cat.” I was CRACKING up!! (I am definitely her! Wishing for sunshine and salty air and I could stand to have a furry kitten on my pc 🙂 )You are stunning and these pictures are beautiful! I always feel so encouraged and much lighter when I stop by. Thank you so much for sharing your light!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Choice is such a challenge! It makes us responsible for our own attitudes of happiness or misery within the circumstances God allows. Yet God knows that with His help, we can choose His best. That’s why He continues to give us “the present” of a new day!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. So well said! 🙂 This:

    “Abundant life is always lived best, when lived according to the plans of the One who came to ‘give us life more abundantly’. “really resonated with me. Thank you for your challenges and encouragements.

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  9. I want to live an abundant life in which I am present in each moment, aligned with His will! I want to be His hands and feet, His mouth and ears. To see people with His heart and eyes. When I can walk hand-in-hand with Him and not miss a best because of my humanity but instead triumph despite it!!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. In the hot summer I wish for winter to come. In the cold winter I wish for summer to come. It is the paradox of living in Nebraska. But, whatever the season, I try to focus on the the Lord and those he wants me to reach out to.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I love the picture of you in your winter outfit; but I shivered when I got to your cute little toes in the snow. 😊
    This morning started day four of freezing fog in our area. Then God busted out the sunshine, and showed off His handiwork: glorious, frosted trees everywhere, brilliant against the blue sky.

    Liked by 2 people

    • 😂😂😂 my husband just shakes his head, when I wear such shoes 👠 ;he doesn’t even bother to ask anymore 🤣🤣🤣. I can just imagine how absolutely amazing this was to see; we just can’t help but proclaim; how great Thou art. 🎤

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  12. Amen! I am thankful for winter, but I have been California dreaming lately. We are believing, praying, and hoping for a vacation to Cali in July. We have the rental house and car booked, but we can cancel by May 2nd. I’ve always told my wife that when we are older, I would like to retire somewhere warm. I would live in San Diego in a heartbeat! I know it’s crazy out in Cali (but that’s just more people to minister to) and I know the taxes are high, but I know God would provide too. Shoot, the taxes are high out here in Denver too! Looking forward to warm days ahead with a grateful heart for winter. Great post, God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I love the warm weather when the family can all go out & enjoy the sun… However on the cold days we all sit and watch movies under the blanket! So as long as there is family time, I guess I’m happy… 😊

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