Hello friends, how are you today? Yesterday our temperature soared to a whopping 92Β°! I thinkΒ the trees and the insects are very confused, right now.Β  They know they should be preparing for the next few months, but there just doesn’t seem to be any need to, yet.Β  Do you think they complain about the weather to the Lord? Perhaps they just trust that He knows exactly what He is doing and their little hearts (if they have any) are quite settled.Β  The trees will begin to conserve their energy when it’s time and somehow they will understand their appointed time.Β  The insects will die out or find their underground nests, where they will hibernate until spring or summer, at that perfect time and they too will know when they need to go (hopefully sooner rather than later).Β  Creation responds at God’s nudging, they are not rushed, even when the weather has seemingly gone crazy. Seemingly right? …because even the weather and the temperature obey the Lord.Β Β Β ps 19 1Are you ready for cool weather? I do like cooler weather; I know how to dress for Fall temperatures.Β  The warm weather really limits what one can wear, I think. I find myself reaching for shorts and tees or dresses, no layering in this heat! If asked whether that was myΒ  only reason for enjoying the Fall season, I’dΒ  probably hesitate for a minute before answering, butΒ  I would perhaps have to go with, β€˜yes’.Β  Do you enjoy Fall? Why?Β Β F22A34EC-756E-472D-BF05-BF5151D5C9A9Wow! August has left the building! September is here, friends.Β  Eight months have gone and we are now left with four months, before 2018 wishes us goodbye. How have you lived 2018 so far? The last few months have been very busy.Β  The past few months have brought quite a few changes both in me and in our household.Β  At the beginning of the year, I claimed Proverbs 31:30 as my life verse.Β  pro-31-30I love that verse, I do believe thisΒ is the foundation ofΒ Proverbs 31:10-31; the virtuous woman.Β  In order to be the wife that my husband can trust, a mom who knows the ways of her household and isn’t idle about her tasks, and a woman who speaks wisely and gently; I NEED to β€˜fear’ the Lord.Β  He has to be first in my life, His ways and His thoughtsΒ are to lead and direct my decisions and my actions. I must be characterized by His standards.Β  They are good for me.Β  In fact, His ways are the best for me.Β  Believe me, this woman who β€˜fears’ the Lord, profits Him nothing.Β  Becoming His Tapestry does not make God any more God; it’s for my good.Β  I become a better person.Β  I become more loving, more compassionate, more patient, and kinder.Β  Me! Christ’sΒ death and His subsequent burial and resurrection were done so that I can be a better version of me. Without my full surrender to His Word, I would probably be running after β€˜beauty and desiring favor and acceptance’ from man.Β  I will share a secret with you…Ready…it’s easier to be accepted and favored by God than it is with man.Β  I know, right?! It’s not even like our standards are very high! But we prefer celebrities and famous people, we prefer popular people, and unfortunately or fortunately, I do not fit any of these categories. Plus, people are fickle; they will bash these same people, whose acceptance they seek.Β Β Β Jer 17 9My God isn’t bothered by titles, He doesn’t care about my wealth or fame or the lack of it.Β  I am LEARNING to β€˜fear’ the Lord.Β  Ever too often I forget to share my decisions with Him and too often I run ahead of Him.Β  I have shared with Him that I think He needs to move a tad bit faster for my sake, but He just patiently reminds me to stay in my lane.Β  Thankfully I’m getting it now.Β  Hopefully I’ll keep on getting it, but I’m very sure, He is going to remind me again in the new future.Β prov 31 17How was the past eight months? How have you lived life?Β Β closing1brenda


  1. I just love this. I, too, am in a place of just trusting God. I worry so much about people, places and things – when I know it’s not where my God lives. My God should never be ego. He didn’t come to earth for that. He came so that I could live and be free, and as long as I’m like that crab in Moana, going after everything “so shiny!!!” I’ll be on a forever see saw. It’s not that a big writing gig wouldn’t be great (and I could use the cash) but it’s not about that. It’s about trusting God wherever I am – teaching/writing/parenting – and helping others be who they are meant to be. But I can’t help others until I help myself. And to do that, I must surrender to God first. EVERY DAY. Amen!

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  2. Ah, the last eight months. God has been working on me, enough of the forging ahead without beginning with guidance from Him. He is first in my life and recognizing this has benefited my family, relatives, friends and on and off line relationships. He gives me my Blog topics and the lead scripture. He knows what one or more reader/s need to digest. I praise Him everyday for using me. The last eight months has revealed my path and strengthened my relationship with our God. Thank you for asking.

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  3. I love this post! And this: “He just patiently reminds me to stay in my lane.” Yes, He is God, and we are not! I’m so glad.
    Time goes so fast when we get so busy. It seems like May was not that long ago. Summer came and is almost gone. I do not normally look forward to fall, although I am grateful for the break in the heat. I start feeling down when daytime gets shorter. I have to take Vitamin D, spend more time with God, and make a special effort to do acts of kindness and plan exciting events to get my mind going in happier pathways.

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    • Amen, amen πŸ™πŸ½ I have come to the conclusion that I am happiest when the sun comes out 🌞 like you to have to physically, mentally and definitely spiritually prepare my self for the colder days ahead. There is so much peace, when I am reminded that God is the Master, He is the Potter,I am the Clay. Thanks so much for this comment. May the Lord bless you

      Liked by 1 person

  4. “The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; into run the righteous and cannot be touched.”- Solomon
    God’s best to you and your family always. And thanks. Gary B.

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  5. Amen and Amen to all that you said! I’ve been on a parallel journey these last 8 months, growing beyond insecurities and a desire to be excepted or “important” to others. The peace God has brought me through my submission is something I wish I had grasped years ago! My motto (I found on Pinterest) has been: “Resolution #1: I will follow God. Resolution #2: when no one else does, I still will.” It’s amazing, after all these years of being a Christian, I still need that reminder!

    In a separate thought: I too LOVE autumn. I love it for the clothing options (like you!), for the coziness the cooler weather elicits in all things from food to flannels, for the holidays (particularly Thanksgiving), for the theme of “harvest” and the colors of the trees and the fact we get to enjoy all these wonderful perks for 3 straight months!! 2 fun quotes I love: “Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower” and “Autumn is my favorite color”!!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Wonderful post, Brenda. I am looking forward to cooler temps. We have had more days over 100 than I can remember in a long time. Even though the summer has seemed long, in reality, the year has gone by so quickly when I stop to think that 8 months have gone by. Have a great weekend. Blessings!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Fall is my favorite season. The cooler weather makes me feel more alive. And learning to fear God is a life-long journey I’ve been on. I usually fear everything else more than I fear God. But I’m learning. God bless!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I totally get that sentiment. It’s hard at times to fear God because we can’t β€˜see’ Him. I guess we need to remember that we are His representatives and we owe those around us to represent Him well 😊


  8. I planned a cousin reunion & surprise 85th birthday party for my Dad in Colorado Springs (at Glen Eyrie/Navigators’ Conference Center) and it was a wonderful Labor Day weekend! I thank our heavenly Father for everyone who came, safety in travel, a beautiful mountain setting, great service, and the love of family!! Started out fall with a bang πŸ™‚

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  9. Hi!! Brenda, I too Fear the LORD. He is my everything!! I enjoyed what you have shared. I had shared with to someone a week ago. That My Jesus Christ comes first! I didn’t say it for it to sound good. I said it because I truly meant that is in my heart came forth. Each day I tell others, It can be a stranger, a neighbor, relative, etc.” That Today is the Best day of my Life!!’ because it is. I live One Day at a Time. I love those scriptures that you feed us. God’s Words are Yummy!! to my Spirit and Soul. God Bless you. ((Hugs)) πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

  10. I stopped figuring out the seasons, I think I had shorts on Christmas Day last year, I can usually move to jeans in October. I have looked to others for approval too, but had God’s all along, this is sometimes, a father thing, but no earthly one compares. I had His all along. Great picture.

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  11. Hi Brenda, I’ve got to admit there have been times when I have wanted to “sprint ahead” in God’s plan for my life, when in my heart He is saying, “Slow down. Be still with me or you will miss the beauty and glory of Me, on this path I have chosen for you.”

    Fall IS my favorite season. The changes in the colors of the leaves, the leaves blowing in the streets, the scent of burning wood in the air, warm/cool days….

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  12. Amen! Brenda, this is so right on! How often over my life…my whole life…have I looked to others for approval. When it was not as I had desired, I fell another notch until I was a tiny speck of self. God has shown me how much He loves me and how much He approves and disapproves of my actions but approves of the me He created. Oh, I am so grateful that He is continually teaching me. I walk more upright now because I have God’s love. I am still being woven and always will be, but I love the ways He is weaving my threads.

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  13. This is so beautiful and your JOY for life and becoming a better Christian is so encouraging, Brenda. I always feel uplifted and inspired to be better when I read your posts. Thank you ❀

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  14. In one of the personal development programs that I follow, a line they keep saying is, “If you want true satisfaction in life, you must give up your need for approval.” I struggled with this for a long time — after all, isn’t it a basic human need to be accepted by and loved by others? Then it finally dawned on me. All the ways I was seeking out acceptance — through my appearance, by holding back my true feelings, by chasing after metrics like page views and social media followers — all of this was preventing me from achieving a deeper spiritual fulfillment. Now I am going through each day with the intention of quieting my mind so that I can receive guidance on how to best carry out my true life purpose and serve others on a more meaningful level.

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  15. I am DEFINITELY all about fall, too! I just love it, what an amazing season! Also your outfits here are amazing πŸ™‚ Such a good post, I think fighting for acceptance is such an emotional and spiritual process, and it can be draining if you aren’t looking in the right places for that acceptance. Thank you so much for sharing!

    XXOO Sunny

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  16. I’ve been trying to live life “purposefully” – coming into this year, I told the Lord that this would be a “him” year. In other words, no boyfriends or seeking to find companionship because I felt lonely. I vowed that I would give him a full year without giving attention to the opposite sex. Just had noticed that every year, I was always entangled in some toxic relationship (some of them were friendships) and really never gave God time. So, this year was the year of me doing that. I’ve been tempted of course, but God had definitely opened my eyes to some things – things that I wouldn’t have seen had I been “occupied” I realized, my “full” undivided attention was what he was seeking all along. It’s been a challenge but well worth it. P.S. I love the fall because I love seeing the trees change colors and it’s not overly hot! – Great Post Sis!

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  17. Fall is, hands down, my favorite season. It always has been πŸ™‚ I LOVE the cooler weather and the smell of falling leaves. I love the sounds of fall as well. I just want it to last a bit longer than it does, lol. I too, have felt like my blog ends up helping me out in my walk with God more than anything. Which I guess, is the whole point πŸ˜‰ To be completely honest, I’m ready for this year to be over. It’s been rough. It started out that way, and it doesn’t look to be alleviating itself anytime soon. I keep praying for things to get just a little bit easier, but we just keep plugging on. Eventually, we will get there. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later! God Bless!

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  18. I love Fall! The colder weather, the cuddly vibes, and the comfort it brings with it…and, yes, I most definitley appreciate the aesthetics!
    It confuses me when one says to fear the Lord. I think that overwhelms me. I try to love Him and abide by His word. I also do not want to live life in continual fear. I think this is where I am weary of this common bible quote. Any tips/advice on my confusion?
    2018 has been a lot of struggle but I am hopeful things will start to look up! I also resonate with wanting things to move faster! I get caught up in wanting constant progression and find it to be one of my biggest struggles is allowing myself to rest.
    Blessings! Xoxo

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    • I do love Fall too, I look forward to the cooler temperatures πŸ™‚ ‘fear’ the Lord is to show reverence, honor, to be awe of God. It is to know my place and to give Him the respect He deserves as God of the Universe and Creator of the world. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Great, great question. I hope I was able to shed some light on this word. πŸ™‚ It isn’t being afraid of God, He isn’t an ogre, but it does involves some fear also, because He holds life in His hands. Keep on abiding by His Word. I do understand the struggle of desiring things to move faster. But we will trust the Lord, even in this πŸ™‚ He can handle our need to rush πŸ™‚

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  19. Amen! Yes, I like fall too. Colorado can be wacky with our weather, but more so in the Spring (blizzards in April and May sometimes). We have been getting hot temps too. I like fall because the cool air comes down from the Rockies and the Aspen trees turn gold. I highly recommend seeing the Aspens change color in the Rockies at some point in life! I like leaves tumbling down the street…and I really like that I don’t have to mow the lawn anymore! πŸ™‚ 2018 has been a year of growth and watching the Lord move in power! I’m looking forward to seeing what He does next year!

    God bless you!

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