Hello friends, how are you today? According to the local meteorologists, today will be rainy with thunderstorms.  Thick, dark clouds have literally blanketed our skies. Have I said I love thunderstorms? From the inside looking out, of course.  How was your week? How was your attitude towards life’s happenings?  I love this quote by Charles Swindoll , “
We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes.” Psalm 51 10A great reminder today; the decision to act or react to our circumstances is ours. We can intentionally choose to respond in a manner that will glorify the Lord, or we can choose to rely on instinct that will reflect our carnal nature.  Let’s choose to be beautiful today.  Is 64 8Thank you to all who responded to the last few blog post.  I truly enjoyed reading every comment made; I especially appreciated hearing from those of you, who shared some of the lessons learned throughout your marriage.  Thank you for sharing. As long as there is life, there are occasions to grow; opportunities to become more like our Savior.  The Lord uses everyday life to draw us closer to Him.  He uses our spouse, our kids, family, friends and our jobs, to show us who we are really and to demonstrate His grace and mercy and unfailing love to us, in spite of us.   1658A0E8-E5A9-4FBF-B593-43D0F8BAF947Earlier this week, we were in Ohio moving our girls into their new homes away from home. I’m sorry I missed Tuesday’s post.  Thank you for keeping us in prayer during this change.  Do continue to keep the girls in your prayers. Pray that they will not forget the God of their youth and that they will keep Him first in their lives.  Did you know that success in this life and in the life to come is tantamount to keeping the Lord first in our lives? How are you doing today? How can we pray for you?

Thank you to Mary-andering Creatively and Words, Photos and Art for highlighting my post Help Him Please… over on their blogs.  I would also like to thank Deb over at Counting My Blessings for highlighting Men, You Should Know This.   Thank you, ladies.

Happy National Thrift Shop Day guys! That’s a good thing to celebrate isn’t it? Especially as I get accustomed to a quiet house, right? There are people at the thrift store; I could talk and shop at the same time! Two of my favorite things.. closing1brenda

38 responses to “CHANGE IS COMING…”

  1. Your blog title drew me over here. I saw it on a comment on another blog and had to come introduce myself. I am Linda and the name of my blog is “Being Woven.” I once did weave off-loom weavings. I had a spinning wheel and loved the art and process. We are always in that place where God holds the shuttle and we should be laid out for Him to make us complete. I will be back. Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to post the comment I submitted earlier! What I meant to say was that I have learned much in tempering my responses and your post helped remind me of lessons learned. Another quote I heard was “no response is a response.” Many times, no response is necessary for me – God takes care of it! Thank you so much for such a great post.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Life does indeed test us. This past month the I have been trying to start the healing process for an ankle injury. I have found the battle to be more of a mental one than physical. It is easy to become depressed when you are housebound and in pain but my journey has been a spiritual one too where I am looking within at personal trauma as well as physical.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Your girls will still need their mom just in different ways. 🙂 From reading your blog it is easy to see you have a big heart, so I am sure God will bring people into your life to love 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you so much Brenda! I enjoy your blog so very much. You are indeed a blessing. Continue your work for the Lord. He is using you to encourage and lift up the hearts of His children. You are a blessing to me. I shall keep your family in my prayers. God bless you and keep you my sister,

    Liked by 2 people

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