My heart skips a beat at these words: “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me”.  Have you ever thought about that? What if His Father has said ‘Yes“? Never had anything of such magnitude, been done before.  History was being made.  His Story was making it possible for me to finally be free.  No one before and no one ever after can claim to make such a sacrifice.  THANK YOU JESUS! 

Today is Good Friday, that’s what we call it now; Good Friday.  I can’t even imagine my life without the sacrifice of the cross.  Fully God yet Fully Man, I can’t think it was a Good Friday for You, Lord.  Not for You.  As God, You would know what they were going to do to You.  You must have known about the agony and the shame, You would have endure.  As God; All-seeing and All knowing, You would have been aware that even Your friends would not stand with You, You would walk this road on Your own.  As God, You would understand the pain, this body of Yours would suffer.  As God, You would be, for the first time in history, separated from Your Father, to pay a debt that never belonged to You. You would have seen the jeering and the animosity of the crowd today and for years to come.  You are God, yet You took the form of a servant Man, so that I can spend eternity with You.  You went to the cross in my place.  Never will I ever be worthy of such sacrifice!

According to Wikipedia (I know, I know BUT…) Shadrach Meshach Lockridge was born in Robertson County, Texas on March 7, 1913.  He died on April 4, 2000 in San Diego, California. He was the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, a prominent African-American congregation in  San Diego, California, from 1953 to 1993. He was known for his preaching across the United States and around the world.

I would like to suggest that you take 4 minutes of your life to watch this clip. Dr Lockridge was a phenomenal speaker.   its friday

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have taken the time to follow the blog.  I am humbled by your comments and likes on the posts.  May the Lord be honored on this adventure.

Have a blessed day and remember: God’s love is unfailing, unwavering and unconditional.

The cost of our salvation was too great a price for us to live life without thought.  The price was too high to live carelessly.  Let us walk worthy of our calling, in light of the cost.

What comes to mind when you think of Good Friday?

This post is also linked herehere, here, here, and  here

40 responses to “THE COST”

  1. This is a great blog post, Brenda. I like when you said, “You are God, yet You took the form of a servant Man, so that I can spend eternity with You.  You went to the cross in my place. Never will I ever be worthy of such sacrifice!” If Jesus wanted to; He could have called down 12 legions of angels to assist Him but He didn’t because He loved us enough to endure the cross and suffer in our place.


  2. I used to listen to the record (I’m old) Jesus Christ Superstar when I was a younger girl. I always turned it off before the part where he is on the cross. It’s just too sad to listen to. I liked the words of the commenter above who likened it to a mother having a baby. But it’s not really….a woman’s body is hardwired to go into labor when it’s time. We don’t really have a choice in the matter. But Jesus did.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I think about Christ’s suffering a little bit the way we think about having a baby. No mother ever really looks forward to the pain of labor, but we do look forward to the fruit of our labor. So glad Jesus was ultimately willing to suffer to bring me into the kingdom of God. Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter weekend. Our Good Friday celebration is a gathering of several churches together. I’m so looking forward to the fellowship.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. The scene of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane speaks to me especially when I want my will and not God’s. I love it because Jesus struggled in that moment. I love it because it makes him identifiable to us when we struggle with the will of God. He understands because he’s truly been there. I’m eternally grateful that he pressed on for us!! Thank you Lord!!

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  5. It’s hard to relate to Christ’s pain and suffering. Yet when I have one little hangnail type pain, I notice it. My prayer is to appreciate all God did for me by sending His Son through such agony. Happy Good Friday! I love this: The price was too high to live carelessly.

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