At the beginning of 2017, I added Proverbs 31:26, to my life verses.  (Yes, I have a few). Would you like me to quote it?  What is the purpose of a life verse, if one can’t memorize it? Here, I am typing it from memory: “She opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness”. Although, I have improved somewhat, I have to do better in 2018.  Being kind is not a natural attitude for me.  Do you know what deteriorates, when I am not walking with the Lord?  My relationship with people!  That’s usually the first thing to suffer.  I get impatient with people, I get frustrated with them, I don’t want them too close, I need them to ‘do’ and then ‘go’. I can always tell where I am spiritually, by my relationship with others.  I love my own company; I like activities I can do on my own.  I like to read, I like to run, I enjoy solitude. Speaking in a group of more than five is out of my comfort zone, crowds usually make me uncomfortable and new people make me nervous.  Yet, do you know, what calling the Lord has gifted me? Yes… you guessed it! He has called me to teach! God has a sense of humor!   cropped-img_0544-edited.jpg

The Lord revealed something to me about Himself, a few years ago.  I know I should have known this already.  But it came as a new thing! Are you ready for it? THE LORD LOVES PEOPLE! I know right? Shocking! He does not love just me!  And He also said, ‘if I love Him, I will love His people’ (I John 4:11).  Wow! What a revelation! Does God really expect me to love even those who are really, really, unlovable?  Do you know that those who have not surrendered their lives over to Jesus Christ as their Savior are His people too? Are you telling me, Lord, I can’t be ‘done’ with people?  

You see, the thing is… I have this ‘people expectation’ thing in my mind.  I expect these particular behaviors and attitudes and actions from them and sometimes they fall short! How dare they not live up to my expectations!  Back to the first paragraph… I prefer being alone, because people disappoint.  They inflict pain.  Why should I choose people over a ‘good book’?  IMG_0365

I know what you’re thinking now.  You’re thinking, “Who does she think, she is”?  Or maybe, you’re thinking, “She thinks she’s better than others”.  And the sad thing is… you would be right!  When I get impatient, frustrated and annoyed at others, it stems from a warped relationship with the Lord.  I laid down my armor, instead of suiting up (Ephesians 6:11).  I depended on people to control my actions toward them, instead of trusting the Lord.  Forgive me Lord; help me to demonstrate Your love for me, by loving others and implementing Proverbs 31:26.  Do you get impatient, frustrated and annoyed at others? Probably not, huh? 

Don’t forget about the giveaway on the last blog post.  Here is the link for this giveaway. IMG_2405

Have a blessed day, and remember God’s love is unfailing, unwavering and unconditional!



14 responses to “DO I LOVE YOU?”

  1. Enjoyed reading this (and some of your other posts) tonight. We are all His beloved creations, definitely works-in-progress, often falling short, but loved unconditionally nonetheless. A prime example of the way we should see and treat others. And like you commented on one of my posts, He is long-suffering with us—thank God! 😉


  2. I loved this post, it was so transparent. You’re right, God does love people (all kinds of, even the people that I personally feel uncomfortable around, he is most comfortable. But, as you stated…if we really want to have a relationship with God, we have to love as he does, which is unconditionally. Great Post and so glad you’re allowing God to use you. I’m now a new follower, can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for you.

    Liked by 2 people

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